18 - Nightmares

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Tony Stark -
His nightmares are either about Ultron or about the day his parents died. He isn't able to fall back asleep unless you are there with him.

Steve Rogers -
His nightmares are about everything he has experienced: the bullying, the experiment, HYDRA, losing his best friend and the list goes on. You help him by hugging hand comforting him until he falls back asleep.

Bruce Banner -
His nightmares are about the many people he has killed by becoming the Hulk. You calm him down by taking him to the lab and help him do some calculations.

Clint Barton -
You're nightmares are about your past and they really scare you. Clint comforts you by rocking you and placing delicate kisses on your forehead until you fall asleep.

Thor Odinson -
Your nightmares are about the many traumatic things you have seen during your time as an avenger. Thor comforts you by pulling you into his chest and slowly rocking you.

Pietro Maximoff -
Your nightmares are about Sokovia. Pietro comforts you by hugging you and rubbing soft circles on your back.

Bucky Barnes -
His nightmares are about the years of torture and brainwashing he endured. You comforts him by humming 40s songs and cuddling up to him until he eventually falls back asleep.

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