Christmas Special🎁🎄

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Slappy : *Recording* This is R.l Stine . He's your Dad. He's the best Dad you could ever have in the world.

Stine: This is ridiculous....

Slappy: Sometimes he's cranky, but you can trust him with your life. And he does more things for you than I can even begin to list.

Stine: Aww!!Thank you Slappy, That was so sweet. Your the best son I can ever had even if we had a little argument in the past, I still love you ^^ *sits down a chair*

Slappy:Thank you papa^^ I have a gift for you

Stine:Gift? For me?

Slappy:yep for you*gives a present to stine*

Stine:*opens his present*

Slappy:*shoves a cake at Stine's face*


Slappy: Merry Christmas papa!!

Stine:*sighs, grabs a piece of cake and throws it at Slappy*

Slappy: Hey!!No fair!!

Stine:*laughs* Merry Christmas!!

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