Chapter 1

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Bree pov
Test......test....test. The word replayed in my head, a test to find out who our soulmate will be. Aren't you supposed to fall in love with a person yourself. It doesn't feel right to have a dumb test answer true love for you. "Bree!!" I hear as it snaps me out of my thoughts."Hey" I say as my heart beats a little faster as he takes each step closer. Ok you got me I like Chase Davenport but we have been friends for so long I can't ruin that. "Did you hear?" Chase says as he takes the last step towards me. "About the test" I say as he nods. "Yea why" "Cause we could find out who our soulmates will be!!" He says happy. " I don't know I don't really wanna know it's just a dumb test that they say will tell us our soulmates so we could stop sucking faces in the halls or class." I say as I point to a couple who were doing just that as we pass by as we are walking. "Well I think it's pretty cool" "Why" "Because why not find out who you will be with the rest of your life?" I roll my eyes , typical Chase. "Hey guys come to my party this Saturday",we hear as Breck Williams walks towards us, by us I mean Chase. "Hey sweetie why don't you come to my party and I'll show you my bedroom?" I almost barf is he serious? "Who are you" I say as I act like I don't know him. "The guy of your dreams" he tells me simply. "Don't you mean the guy of my nightmares?" I say as I walk to my class with Chase following me. "Bree what was that for?" "For him being a douchbag" I say as I walk into class.
Chase pov
We walk into class as I have the invitation that Breck gave me in my hand. Why would Bree do that? I wondered in my head. I shook it off to think about it later and just thought about the test. A test to find out my soulmate sounds amazing. But Bree had me thinking could it really be a scam so we could stop sucking faces in class? I shake that off as well as the bell rings. Ugh Ms.Gilbert is the worst teacher she gives double homework if we talk, slams our heads onto our desk if we are asleep, and she doesn't even let us slouch in our chairs. What a teacher. I just can't wait for the party and I hope Bree will come to.

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