unleashed soul

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he was walking down the field that day as he was stroke by an Idea that kept him alianated for a while. As he was cutting the grass and watching the cars dreevting away he kept thinking and he couldn't stop it anymore. Is there any other entity that eats all axcept human beings? There are animals that eat only meat or herbs, but there are also human beings that eat both... wolfs eat meat and there is no possibility to see a vegetarian wolf walking down the mountaing thinking which soup he should cook today. Is it the answer to the question of human nature? Doesn't that mean that we justify any means to reach the desired goal? What is the goal then in this case,,survival ,,war against extinction and what it takes to survive? ALL ,, it takes all, water, earth, grass , nature , creatures,, we eat everything,, warms and wheat, fish and flies, dogs and even ourselves? So who we are ? monster waiting for food , monster always on search of nutrition and can we be called the thinking race? What if we are not on the highest chain ,, what if we are the lowest???,,,,human beings have created art, music, film, literature, war, love and family, race and religion just to keep us entertained while we think about fooooood......weare bored souls , traveling in the desert of our desires , driven only by hunger and thurst...we are monsters not more,, the earth bears our gulping nature only for the sake of balance, and we do everything to distort it ,, diminish others and deep down hate each others. So what are we? Where we go?and what is our future....
John reached a small farm walking down the path leading to his house. He was thinking deeper and even more seriously as the wind was playing with his curly hair. Unnatural glow of his skin, heavily growned brown hair on his chest and chin and uncontrollably wild green but dreamy eyes were the perfect features one can find in a man. His eyes were stairing down the valley where the sun was embracing the land, even if sky was heavily clouded. it made him think about a girl he used to love. She was newly admitted student with unbelievable stunning wibe but moreorless outstanding stupidity of mind. By that time he didnt care about it but the more he was talking and trying to evolve into her world, the more dissopointed he was... the sun burnt his eyes, a large arm hop into the air to cover his face and beneth the shade he saw a stone beautifully carved by the mother nature...
" how can a nature create both so beautiful but also disgusting materials.. this stone has a soul but there are human beings who are as empty as the air rushing out of the horse nostrills...John leand forward and took the stone it was an orange red type of stone resembling amber but in the middle there was a light green line crossing the stone right in between. John was squeezing and rolling the stone in his palm and as he was doing it he was walking forward without looking under his feet.
" Careful John, watch where you go" as soon as he heard he stepped on a horse shit which was quite hard to miss. " Told you to look buddy! stop daydreaming, by the way have you seen Lory?"
" Son of a ... No I havnt seen Lory." said John loud for the farmer to hear and wispered " why should I care about your lousy dog? ".
" okay buddy have a nice day" yelled the old shaggy farmer as he was patting the horse. Benny was a regular farmer nothing special, a pair of jeans a leather shirt and in between empty bag of brain that he should have polished every time he oppened his mouth. he was one of those nice guys that try to be friendly and close to you only by saying "buddy" or " fellow". John would never believe Benny had actually finished the High School. As John was trying to get the umwanted dirt from his shoe he lifted his head and noticed an old Labrador jumping and running as if in his thrifty ages. Lory apparently it was the farmer's dog run to John as if they were the best freinds. John never had a dog he actually never had any type of pet except a small mouse that he caught himself. Unfortuanatelly the mouse didnt live too long:John starved him to death not intentiounally but somehow deep in his heart he allways knew he is not a best owner of anything. In comparison to his elder brother he was moreorless careless about every article. Mom hated that and dad ignored. The dog approached him and as he did John innertially stretched his arm to patt the happy dog. Lory drew his tongue out and started to enjoy the warmness of the stranger. Then suddently he barked once and ran back down the hill, John stood up as he had to bent down to pat Lory and started to clean his pants. the eyes went up and he saw devinly white barefoot legs of fresh godness. She moved her big toe as her voice sprang from her throat.
"Good boy Lory,, good boy now seat Lory Seat!"
John was still shocked, he slowly scrutinized her legs then her milk white dress, her skinny weistline and her breast flourishing like a rose after a beautiful haze. Overall her neck was streched as if a swam watching over her partner and that face... John squezzed the stone harder as if to make sure he is alive. Her emerald green eyes were staring into his, her fire red curls delightedly were laying up her breast and her rose innocent lips were apart ready to utter a heavenly sweet melody...
" R u visiting us Sir? "
"Sir" .. she is probably 16 or 17 ... oh God am I that old? John finally looked into her eyes with a stone stillness.
Mary, as it was her name, felt the goosebumps crowling up her skin. She has never seen such a arrogantly handsome man. She quickly imagined him on a board of Dragon shape boat praying for a luck to his god Odin... He could be a savage . 'he is a  savage" she thought.

As John was trying to recollect his thoughts the kisses he wanted but not ventured to give were wondering around her nick, pulling slightly her hair back so he can gulp the fresh breeze of their volume, he tried to think somethink but nothing smarter than "no but I would love to now on" came out of his savage mouth. Mary was a little twofolded by his sentence , but she smile with her Mona Lisa type lips and granted him a shy look underneath her thick eyebrows. John never thought she would be ashamed of such silly words but he smiled the nicest way he could that resembled more like a scolding dog. how long dis this last? couple minutes of their lifes but what it meant was to be continued among the whole life at least it was what they both felt. if there would be that damn Farmer he would have tiedy to cover her with weil of compliments untill she would melt into stubborn attitude, but the reality step among them. She lift her arm to combine the jesture with the words "bye then" and simply added " you are allways welcome here"... and she perished . Exactly, she perished. He never remmebered whathe said back or how she went home, what happened to the dog.. he only remembered only the sentence "you are allways welcome here" with huge accent on allways and here. He wated to believe she was giving him hope, it made his thoughts lighter and his ego more pleased.

As she perished he found himself onthe main street of the town already. He walked and didnt even notice how far he waked. It was even possible that he would have passed his own house if there were this old annoying lady allways smiling and greeting people. Why does she even bother to do that? He had the wildest thought of his entire life , he compared Mary to this landlady, oh God how fresh and innocent she was in her simplest dress, she was bareless as if the true child of the beautiful nature.Never hashe seen such an unpolished diamond that one wants only to hind away from others. He imagined as if the amber stone he found was her and hold it closer to his breath then to his heartand the lady thought he was praying for something.

"such a nice day JOhn, isnt it?" 

"Yes, Miss Brown, never was it nicer", JOhn hurried to his doorway not to be impelled to explain waht he meant by that. He evenliked the Ladytoday, she was lookingsame way but something happened todayand now he doesnt care about the world only her... she should be his and she will be, with this thought he laid on bed and to his own surprise slept quite soon. 

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