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It was summer of 2005. I was 6 at the time. I had a nightmare so I went to the back of the tour bus to find everyone surrounding my dad. He was throwing up, he looked sick. When he saw me he started crying.

"Get her out please. Please get her out of here." He cried. Uncle Mikey turned around and picked me up. He took me out of the room to his bunk.

"Uncle Mikey, why is daddy crying?" I asked. I asked him so innocently, I can't believe that I could have even talked like that when I was younger.

"He's just sad sweetie. Don't worry, he'll be okay." Uncle Mikey replied. That day my father was having an emotional breakdown. That night he took a lot of pills and drank a lot.

"Daddy shouldn't be sad. Can I draw him a picture, would that make him smile?" I asked my uncle.

"I think that would work sweetie. Let me go grab your things, don't move." He left and grabbed my things from my dad's bunk. Once he came back I drew a very poorly drawn face that was my father and the other being mine. I had made the both of us smiling and holding hands. We still have the picture 12 years later. It's in a frame on my parents bedside table. My dad had come over to me with dry tears on his cheeks and red eyes. I didn't mind that at all. Once I saw him I ran over and gave him a big hug. He hugged me back even tighter.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too pumpkin." He replied.

"I drew you something!" I gave him the picture and he smiled. It looked like that smile hurt.

"That's amazing sweetie. Thank you. I love it." He said kissing my forehead. I just giggled at him and hid my face in his side.

"Rebecca it's time for dinner." My dad said poking his head through my doorway. I closed my laptop and followed him out of my room.

"How's the book going?" He asked me.

"It's going pretty good. I'm about to finish the 6th chapter." I replied.

"I can't wait to read it. I'm so proud of you." He smiled kissing my forehead.

"I can't wait for you to read it." I smiled back. We both then sat at the dinner table. Bandit was sitting beside me, across from us was mom and dad. I knew Lyn-z wasn't my real mom but I don't care, I still love her like a daughter would a mother.

"Rebecca how is the book going so far? What chapter are you on now?" My mom asked.

"It's good. I'm finishing up chapter 6 and going onto 7." I replied. She smiled widely, almost like dad did that night I made him that drawing. Thinking back to it I'm sort of surprised that dad still has it. Thank god I'm a lot better now than I was 12 years ago. After dinner I went back to my room with dad and turned on my camera and ring light.

"What's up singers! I'm back with another video and this time I have my dad with me. So dad for those who don't know you introduce yourself." I said.

"Well I'm Gerard, Rebecca's dad obviously." He said awkwardly.

"Dad why are you so awkward?" I sighed in a joking way.

"Anyway I'm going to be doing my dad's make up for this video. Let me grab my bag off of my vanity. And I promise I won't touch your hair dad." I teased.

"Why did I agree to this?" He muttered.

"Because I'm the best teenage daughter ever?" I replied jokingly as I plopped back down next to him. He just playfully rolled his eyes as I started.

"Most of these products are cruelty free, vegan, and good for sensitive pale skin. First things first moisturizer, I'm using the clinique dramatically different gel for oily skin. Let's smear this all over your face." I started, i put a pump of the gel on my hands and rubbed it all over his face.

"Don't worry my hands are clean, my brushes are clean and, my sponge is clean. I'm gonna use a new mascara on you, so you don't have to worry. Next we have Benefit Pore-fessional. I'm gonna focus this more on your cheeks and upper lip."

There was a knock on the wall and we looked to find my best friend Calum standing in the doorway.

"Pop a squat behind me. I'm just filming a video." I said. He walked over and sat behind me. He grabbed a comic I wrote a while ago and started to read it.

"Cal say hi to the camera." I said smacking his foot.

"Sup." Is all he said causing me and my dad to laugh the slightest bit.

"Onto foundation, I'm using the...I have no clue, hang on. Let me grab a different one that was a shade too light. Okay here we go, I'm using the Bobbi Brown luminous moisturizing treatment foundation in the shade beige rose."

I dotted the foundation on his skin with the end of an eye brush.

"Now to blend I'm using the Morphe M444 to blend the foundation and then going back in with the beauty blender to clean up and make his skin look flawless. Not like it already isn't." I said. I started to buff out the foundation.

"Ow Rebecca that hurts." He whined.

"Suck it up cupcake." I joked continuing what I was doing. Once I was done with the brush I went to the beauty blender and continued to blend until it looked good. "Concealer time. My all time favorite the Kat Von D lock it concealer in the shade 16 light. Dad look up." He looked up and I put it on him and blended it with another morphe brush.

"Time to set the concealer. I'm using the Kat Von D lock it setting powder. I'm just gonna bake his face." I took my beauty blender and got powder on it, I then started to pat it under his eyes to set the concealer.

"Time for the eyes, the palette I'm using is the Huda Beauty eyeshadow palette and I'm going to take the shade Suede and put that in the crease. So close your eyes dad. This will feel weird." I said.

"Hey Rebecca when are you gonna make another comic book?" Calum asked.

"Soon probably, after I finish writing SING then I will most likely start a comic." I replied.

"Next shade is going to be coco to deepen the crease." I continued doing what I was doing and it was time for the last matte shade. "The last matte shade is going to be black truffle and this is going everywhere but the center of the lid. I'm going to put Rose Gold and Angelic in the center and then do glitter liner probably gold or silver."

"Yay black!" My dad joked. I did the rest of his eyes and then put on fake lashes.

"Time for blush, contour, and highlight. For the contour I'm using the benefit Hoola bronzer, for blush I'm using Heartgram by Kat Von D and highlight I'm using Blissful by Ofra." I applied those on his face after kicking off the bake.

"For eyebrows I'm using Benefit Kabrow in 04 deep from when I dyed my hair black." I did his eyebrows and then grabbed my black liquid lipstick.

"Last but certainly not least, Kat Von D's liquid lipstick in the shade Witches, described as jet black just like my heart." I said. I finished his look with the lipstick and it was finally done. I went into a giggling fit when I saw his face when he looked at himself.

"I look like a drag queen!" He laughed. Bandit ran in and giggled looking at dad.

"Daddy you look funny." She giggled. She ran at me and jumped onto my lap.

"What's up little lady?" I asked her, tickling her sides.

"Nothing." She giggled.

"Do you want to help me do my outro of my video?"

"Please!" She squealed.

"Okay, ready? Thanks for watching singers, I hope you enjoyed."

"Like and subscribe! Bye Bitches!" She shouted.

"Bandit Lee Way!" Dad scolded. With that I turned off the camera. Another successful video complete.

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