Chapter five: The Light Behind Your Eyes

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A/N- This is short as it is a filler but I hope you guys still enjoy it. ♥

As soon as I reached the hospital I ran in. I saw Lyn-z sitting on a chair, Bandit in her lap. Both were crying. 

"When can we see her?" I asked my wife, panicking a little.

"She's in surgery, she has to get her stomach pumped." She cried. I sat next to her and cried. I can't deal with this.

"Hey Gee how you holding up?" Someone asked. I turned to find Calum and his parents behind me. His dad being the one talking to me.

"Calum you are so dead! You did this to my daughter! You did this! Get out of here! Now!" I cried at him. 

:Time skip:
We weren't allowed to see Rebecca yet and that worried me. "Gerard, what's going on?" I heard James ask. I guess he's home now.

"She attempted again. All because of Calum." 

"Oh no, oh my god!" James started crying.

"Everyone here for Rebecca Way come here." A doctor called. The four of us got up and headed to the doctor. Bandit was half asleep. I picked her up and then the doctor started talking. "We got the pills and alcohol out of her system, but since this is her second time here for suicide attempts we are putting her under suicide watch for a week. She will stay here for two. She's awake and asking for her father and her uncle Frank." She explained.

"Babe call Frank please." I said to my wife. She pulled out her phone and called Frank.

"If you guys follow me, you'll be able to see Rebecca." The doctor said. She began walking and by the time we got to the third floor and one of the rooms in the middle we stopped. The doctor opened the door and I went in first. 

"Dad!" She smiled widely when she saw me.

"Hey sweetie. How do you feel?" I asked her.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry dad." She replied.

"It's okay sweetie. As long as you're okay and alive that's all that matters to me." I gave her a small smile. I sat on the side of the hospital bed and held her hand. Bandit crawled out of my lap and laid on top of Rebecca. 

"Is Uncle Frankie coming?" She asked yawning a little.

"Yeah he's on his way. He'll be here soon. Get some rest okay? We'll be here when you wake up." Lindsey said.

"James, can you sit by me please?" She asked her best friend.

"Of course. You don't ever have to ask. Just pat a spot by you and I'll sit with you." He smiled sitting on the bed next to her on the other side. He took her other hand and held it. 

"I love you guys." She said as her eyes shut.

"We love you too babes. Now go to sleep."

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