Chapter 4: Friends.

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Things to take note of:
Y/N: Your name.
F/C: Favourite Colour
F/FP: Favourite food Place.
I'll update it between chapters. :3
"I'll see you another day Zianna! Thanks for going Christmas shopping with me."
Sammy said as she lifted up the bags of Christmas decorations to emphasise of what she said.

"No prob Girlfriend! Call me anytime!" Zianna said, winking at my mom.

I looked at Garroth.
"Bye was nice meeting you."
Garroth smiled widely back at me,
"Bye Y/N."

"Ooh ya! Honey, if you want to hang out with Garroth tomorrow, I'm alright with it!" Sammy said.
"Alright Mom. I'll think about it!"
Y/N said.

💗~Time Skip to next day~💗

"Honey, I'm going to work. Do you want to hang out with Garroth?"
Mom said as she pecked my cheek.

"Yeah Mom.." I said.
"Alright I'll give Zianna a call, go get changed!" My mom chirped.

🕘~Time skip 5 minutes later~🕘

"Alright Honey, Garroth will be coming in a few minutes." Sammy said.
"Alright Mom." I said and I closed my room door and decided to read a book to past time.
I plugged on my earphones and started reading a book.

💝~Sammy's POV~💝
(Incase you forgot Its Y/N's Mom.)

I was putting up my makeup, when the doorbell suddenly rang.

"That must be Garroth!" I said."
"Coming!" I said in a sing song voice.
I ran down the stairs to the door.

"Hello Mrs. Sammy! Is Y/N home?"
Garroth asked me as he shot me a sweet smile.

"Oh you're such a sweetheart, of course she's in!" I said.
"Can I come and see her?" Garroth asked.
"Yeah! Please do come in!" I said.
"Thank you Mam." He said politely.

"She's in her room, probably reading with her earphones plugged into her ears." I said laughing as I rolled my eyes.

💙~Garroth's POV~💙
I climbed up the stairs and I noticed a closed door.
She must be in there.
I slowly opened the door and I saw Y/N's room.
Her room had blue walls and Polaroid photos of her and her cat.
I squinted my eyes to see a note pinned on one of the photos. It said...

R.I.P Pepper the odd eyed cat, you were my only Friend and I loved you lots.

There was also a heart at the end of the piece of note.
I too saw a queen sized bed and a bookshelf full of thick books.
She must love to read too.

On the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N she had her aircon on and her Long silky curls fell on her back. She was reading a book.
Oh my Irene, she' beautiful.

💜~Y/N's POV~💜

"Kelly, it wasn't my fault." Henry said.
"Really?'re just saying you magically landed your lips on hers?"
Kelly retaliated with tears in her eyes.

"Kelly, please hear me out." Henry begged.
"Why should I? You've been lying to me!" Kelly shouted.

"You've been telling me that you've been going to work when you're actually going to see another lady! Why did I have to be so gullible!"
Kelly screamed, hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Go find someone else, I'm not good enough for you...aren't I?!"
"We're over Henry, I can't believe it after all this.. It had to be you."
Kelly ran away with her tears pelting to the ground.

"Wow this is just like real life!" I said.
I took off my earplugs and suddenly heard a creak.

I looked behind and saw Garroth.
"G-Garroth? Oh! Yeah I remember you're gonna come hang out right?" I said.
"Yeah Y/N. I was actually here to bring you and meet my friends!" Garroth rubbed his neck and smiled at me.

"...I-I'm nervous because..."
"I know Y/N. But they're nice..." Garroth said enthusiastically.
"Alright Garroth..." I said and stood up.
"Let's go! " I walked towards him, gave him a smile, grabbed his hand and we left the house.

💗~Time skip to Garroth's Home~💗
💜~Y/N's POV~💜

"Hey guys!" Garroth said as he opened the door.
"Hey Garroth. Who's that beauty whose holding your hand?" A guy with white hair and peridot eyes asked me.
I looked away from him.

"She's called Y/N and she's gone through some tough times so please give her some personal space. She...takes some time to get use to you." Garroth said.

"Thank you." I said shyly to Garroth.
"Y/N? That's a beautiful name. I'm Laurance by the way." He said and grinned at me.
I lightly smiled at him.
"Thanks..." I said.
I noticed Garroth giving him a death glare.

"Hey guys lets introduce ourselves!" A black haired girl said.
"I'm Aphmau!" She said.
"Aaron, Aphmau's Boyfriend." He said.

"Travis baby~" He winked at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm Dante." He waved at me.
"Zane." He looked at me and looked away.

"Hey I'm Kawaii~Chan and that's Katelyn~Sama!" Kawaii~Chan said as she pointed to a girl who had blue hair.

"Just call me Katelyn..." she said.
I sat down on the floor with everyone.
Garroth sat next to Katelyn.

"Hey baby~ Are you okay?." He said as he scooted near me.
"Please don't touch me, I don't...really know you." I said as I back away.
"Aww baby~ don't be scared."
"..." I ran behind the couch.

"Aww Travis, you scared her away!"
Dante said and laughed.
I sat behind the couch and peeked out.
"Aww Y/N~Chan don't need to be scared."

"What did I miss?" A girl with Orange hair and black crop top walked down the stairs.
"Whose that behind the couch?" She asked and giggled.
"Oh that's Y/N, Travis scared her."
Dante said and he laughed.
"Anyways, Im Lucinda. Nice to meet you Y/N."
Out of the blue, Garroth came and sat next to me behind the couch.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright?" He asked me.
"Yeah, why is everyone hitting on me?"
I asked him and buried my head into my hands.
Garroth kept quiet for awhile...

💙~Garroth's POV~💙

I'm sitting behind a couch with Y/N when she asked me,
"Why is everyone hitting on me?"

Your so perfect and such a beauty why wouldn't anyone want you?

"B-because some of my guy friends are a little flirty at times. Don't let that affect you." He said, and gave me a wide smile.
"Alright. I'll try. I'm not used to it though." She said.

"It's alright Y/N, I'm here." I reassured her.
Total number of words: 1110
Woah, already at chapter 4. :3

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