What just happened?

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After the 20 minute drive into the city, upon the first indication of hitting Times Square I piped up and said "You can drop me here."

"Are you sure? I don't mind going a couple more blocks."

"No, really, it's fine. I'm at the AMC and it's not much of a walk. Plus, you need to go get your mom."

As I got out of the car, I thanked him once again before heading down the crowded sidewalk to the busy theater. Not even halfway there I kept thinking “What just happened?”

After managing to push my way through the crowded entrance, I headed to the back where I changed my shirt and proceeded to take my spot in the elevator. Taking tickets may not be glamorous, but it gave me spending money all summer. Since no one came in yet, I slipped my phone out of my jeans pocket and sent a text to Hannah.

“HANNAH, you’ll never believe what just happened! :O”

“A bird pooped on your head again? I told you to wear a hat, no one to blame but yourself.”

I rolled my eyes thinking back to that day and how my hair was ruined. “No, Justin drove me to work.”

“Justin with the smell? Did his car stink too?”

“No, ew. Justin as in B I E B E R” Before I could even check her reply, the elevator doors opened to reveal an older woman and two young girls.

“Tickets please.” I said in my sweetest tone possible, with my hand outstretched to the visibly excited little girl. She handed me the 3 tickets and practically shouted “We’re gonna see frozen!”

“Enjoy the movie, my sister and I loved it.” I handed them each a set of 3D glasses as the elevator began ascending.

‘Theater 16, it’s to your right when you exit.” I spoke, this time directing my attention toward the woman, who I presumed to be their mother. Just as the final consonant left my mouth, the doors opened and the trio exited. Nice timing. As the doors once again closed, I retrieved my phone from my pocket and noticed 15 new messages; all from Hannah. The first 10 were a series of capitalized numbers and letters merged together in an incoherent matter. Only the last 5 could I make out.


“No to each. I’ll call you on my break.”


When 5 rolled around, I grabbed my bag from the back room, took out my phone, and called Hannah. She picked up on the third ring, but when she answered she sounded out of breath.

“Sorry, I just ran out of the bathroom. GIRL, HOW DID JUSTIN END UP DRIVING YOU ANYWHERE?” she boomed.

“Hannah, calm down Ok, so I had just missed my train and he offered to drive me here since his mom works in the area and he was picking her up from work. No big deal.”

“No big deal? You’ve been obsessing over him since grade 8.”

“Ok, I lied. Huge deal.” I said, pretty sure she could practically hear me smiling.

“I’m so excited for you. Next thing you know, you guys will be an actual couple. I’m already picking out the color scheme for your wedding. How does black and pink sound?”

“I wouldn’t go that far yet, but that sounds wonderful.” Before I realized, I had reached my destination. Chipotle“Han, I ‘ll talk to you later. Food is calling.”

“Ok, bye Mrs. Bieber.” She teased.

I rolled my eyes and hit the ‘end’ button to terminate the call. I walked through the door and stood in the line which was nearly out the door. It moved surprisingly fast, so I was at the counter in about 5 minutes. I ordered my usual, a chicken burrito with cheese, corn, black beans and brown rice. Call me fat, but I can down that thing in a matter of minutes. I handed a wrinkled 10 dollar bill to the man at the register and took my bag to an empty table. While I ate, I scrolled through my instagram feed and before I knew it, my break was almost up. I headed out while stuffing the remainder of my chips into my bag.

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