New York Lights

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Chapter 17
(3 weeks later)
Rachel's pov:
"Okay so all the emergency numbers are on the fridge , there's emergency money in the cookie jar in case it's needed, and Aunt Quinn we'll be over to check on you sometime." I said to the kids .

"Okay mom , we got it." Mia said holding Toby.

"Okay, I love you."I said and gave them all a kiss.

"Rachel, come on before we miss our train." Finn said.

"Okay bye guys be safe and take care of each other." I said as Finn rushed me out the door.

"Bye!" They all yelled and we drove off.

(3 hours later)
"Rachel,Rachel wake up." Finn said.

I opened my eyes and we were in New York City .

(20 minutes later)
We arrived at the hotel and flopped onto the bed.

"Oh god I'm so tired." I said.

"Me too!" Finn said.

"Wanna sleep?" I asked him but I looked at him and he was already out.

(1 hour later)
Finn and I woke up and he smiled at me and said,

"We are so old." He told me.

"Can you blame us we have four kids and one grandkid on the way." I said.

"But now it's just us." He said.

I smiled and leaned close to him,

"You know what that means right?" I asked him.

"Watching Netflix?" He asked me.

"And chilling." I said smirking.

"Sounds good to me." He said and logged onto Netflix.

(3 hours later)
After binge watching Bones , Finn and I laid in the bed and I said,

"We need to do something." I said.

"Like what?" He asked me.

"Anything, I mean we're in New York City let's explore and do things." I said.

"Okay go get on something fancy and meet me down stairs." He said and we went and got ready.

(30 minutes later)
I walked down stairs to see Finn in a nice suit and tie waiting for me.

"Shall we?" He asked.

I put my arm around him and said ,

"We shall."

We walked outside and waiting for us was a horse and carriage.

"Oh Finn." I said surprised.

"You always said you wanted to go on a horse and buggy ride so here it is." He said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Come on let's go." I said and we got into the carriage and took off.

(That night)
We were in Central Park in the carriage looking up at the stars underneath a blanket .

"So what do you think?" Finn asked me.

"It's perfect, this night is perfect." I said.

He looked at me and kissed me passionately underneath the moon light.

Hey guys so I just published an original fiction book called The Diaries of an Extremely Confused Teenager so please check it out.

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