On the run!

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Chapter 1 On the run!


I high tailed it to the cliffs my body aching from my first shift, my old pack chasing steadily behind me.

'Just a bit further!' I pushed myself as fast as I could go. 'Almost there!'

I could just see the tip of the cliff. If I could make it, just enough I could escape this hell.

A savage snarl sounded from behind me.

'Fuck!' I let out my own responding warning growl.

'Ive made it!' I passed the tree line on to the cliffs jagged edge. I turned around, my back facing the shoreline below.

I shifted back, my clothes appeared on once again, due to the vampiric magic placed on all toxic wolfs.

"Goodbye ass-hats!" I said jumping off the cliff.

The cool water stung as it hit me full force. I didn't care. I just wanted to get away.

I smiled to myself it was over.

After a long wile of drifting I found myself on a beach.

I crawled up the white sand. I warily pulled myself to a stand. As I surveyed my surroundings I noticed I was in another packs land, it stunk of them!

Except, one... 'Was that? No it can't be. Could it be her? Have I found were she has gone?'

I chose to ignore it, for now.

'Gawd I reek!' I thought looking down at my clothes. My black and neon green hair was matted and stuck to my face in clumps, my green and black converse, soaked. Same with my shirt and pants.

'Guess thats what I get for jumping off a cliff into the atlantic huh?'

With a sigh I went to the nearest hotel.

The lady behind the desk was fuming when I walked in.

"Damn ungrateful bitch!" She mumbled heatedly as I walked in.

"Uhm? Is this a bad time?" I spoke quietly.

"Huh!?" She jumped realizing I was here."No, its fine just a slut pissed me off is all."

I looked her over, a too tight shirt booty shorts, and a pound of make up?

'God I'd hate to see what was worse than her.'

"Oh, all right then, could I get a room, and use a washing machine? My friends decided to throw me in the beach after our party." I said lying quickly.

She giggled. "Sure thing doll." She said handing me a room key.

"How much is the cost?"

"Our first night here is free, then after that fifty dollars a day. So what was your name?" She asked looking at her charts.

"Bio. Just call me bio."

She nodded. "Okay the washroom is in the back feel free to use it."

"Thank you m'am."

She smiled at the gesture and waved as I walked off.

'She didn't seem so ba-' My mental train was cutoff by her muttering. "Freak, needs to get the fuck out soon."

'Never mind then...'

I found the washroom, luckily the showers were there too.

I stripped, put my clothes in the wash and relaxed my way into a long hot shower.

I came out of the shower to find my clothes had been dried as well.

A simple letter on top.

~Dear Bio,

You don't know me yet, but we are mates. I am delta of the White Water pack. I hope you find this is enough for your well being.


Dustin Miller.~

This brought tears to my eyes.

'Mate! A mate of my own!'

I looked again over the letter, I went to move it off my clothes so I could change, only to reveal five, hundred dollar notes.

I was shocked, I quickly changed into my clothes brushed my hair out and put the notes in my pocket.

'Time to shop, great.' I thought sarcastically.


Okay its done! Anything a toxic wolf touches in wolf form poisons it, just so you know. I AM basing my story off of my friends so I have to use her as info, so if names of places and details change you know why now. Bio's full name is Bio-Hazard. Her sister, or creator the rough toxic wolf is Pink-Death. You can meet her soon. Bio's wolf is the one on cover, I used a base off the google then did my own thing. So technically it is mine. Thanks ~DancingShadow1105

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