Land of the bitches!

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Chapter 2 Land of the bitches!


I finally got to the mall, my legs were sore from the twenty mile jog.

I scanned the entrance before going inside.

I made my way straight to hot topic, I browsed the selection of shirts, pants and other items.

Not settling on anything I bought a crap load of band tee's, shit load of black skinny jeans, some ripped some not.

I also got a black bracelet with a white outline of a wolf.

I carried the five shopping bags out and headed to the nearest star bucks.

I got a small frappe and walk into the courtyard of the mall.

I sat in a nice uncrowded spot and rested while I sipped on my drink.

The clicking of heels caught my attention.

"Hey freak get out of our spot!"

I looked up to see a bimbo looking at me with detest, her bitchfit gang sneering at me with remarks about my hair.

'Damn. Today was going so good.' I thought wryly.

"Bitch did you hear me!" The ring leader of bitches said.

I turned my attention back to her, looking at her more closely she had a healing nose, someone had broken it.

'Good for them, if I ever meet who did that I'll make them pie.'

"Yes, slut. I heard your lips flapping." I said glaring at her.

I realized the area had gone quite.

A larger group of girls joined behind the bitch queen.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?!" She all but screamed in my face.

"Your majesty, Queen Bitch, ruler over land of the bitches. I called you a slut. With deep regret I inform you that the word 'whore' would be more acceptable, seeing as how you don't get paid." I bowed grabbed my stuff and started walking off.

A chorus of laughter sounded at the head bitch, with her horror stricken face.

I chuckled darkly as I walked away.

Returning to the hotel I was exhausted, twenty miles with five shopping bags does that to a person.

'I think I'll go visit the White Water pack tomorrow.' I thought as I drifted off peacefully to sleep.


Hey! Sorry short chapter, but here you go. Go read My mates not normal!
By shygirl123456 she's my friend at school and the book I'm basing this one off of.

When a toxic wolf bites or claws anything that is how it becomes poisoned hope that clears it up a bit. We both write on our iPods so chill on the wanting uploads lol. Thx ~Bio

EDIT! A special thanks and dedication to snowstorm22 who was an epic person and made me extreamly happy! Thanks you!

EDIT! Hey umm Shygirl123456 Please respond I kinda need the info, If not I'll try to talk to ya at school...bye. C:

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