The Players - Dream 1

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I open my eyes. The dark atmosphere around me seemed calming and relaxed. I sat up and took in my surroundings. I was inside of a car that I recognized to be my friend's.

"Girls we're here!" A voice said from the driver's seat.

I groggily rubbed my hands over my face and looked at my best friend sitting next to me. She was already looking out the window at the large building in front of us. The lights illuminating the building  made it look more immense than it already was.

I yawned and slid open the van's door to find the nicely paved parking lot.

                          ------------(short time skip)-----------------
I follow my friends mom into a dimly lit entryway. We were here, finally. I snuck a look at my uniform I was wearing. Light blue and white, our teams colors. My friend glanced at me.
"You ready for the game?" She asked me.
I nodded nervously at her, I was eager to get to the gym.
15 mins later
I found myself lining up on the gym floor, me next to my friend and teammates. We walk warily into the center of the gym. I note the length of the court. Same length as always, two goals at either end, bleachers on one side for parents, benches on the other for players.
That's when I realized the size of the other team. They walked out of a door, their heads held high and their chests raised. I refused to let my jaw drop as I counted the 30th player.
30 players was not the average size of a basketball team, especially compared to our team of seven girls.
I take a look at the opposing team. They had an even mix of boys and girls, some were a couple heads taller than me. This could not go well.
Their brown and blue (disgusting colors I know) uniforms cast a faint shimmer when the lights hit them.
My eyes scanned the male who stood in front of me.
Fit. Tall. Hot. Great.
I rolled my eyes and checked my teammates. For some reason our line was very uneven and jagged unlike the brown and blue team, who's line of players was perfectly straight.
I glare back at the guy in front of me. He smirks.
Then the whistle blows, and the game begins.

About half way through the game, I found myself out on the side lines, leaning against the walls next to some other players. I wasn't sitting on the benches like I was supposed to, no, I was out of the game, like hit by the ball and called out. This basketball is similar to dodgeball if you didn't catch on, but I'm not going into detail.
The dimly lit wall I was watching from hosted other players like myself. Except they were all males from the other team.
I glanced up as another guy came and sat beside me, pounding his fist against his friend's.
I thought nothing of it, until I realized he had grown considerably closer to me. I subconsciously scooted farther to my left, away from him. As soon as I had, he scooted closer. I scooted more, he scooted more. I take one big scoot, he takes an even bigger one. Panic rising in my chest, I tried scooting farther to my left, but ended up ramming into something... Or someone? I glance at the guy next to me. He's from the other team, but in an almost black uniform. He glares at me and swipes through his styled hair. My eyebrow rose as I felt a presence to my right (the same creepy guy who seems to enjoy being close to me). I instinctively stand up. The dark guy on my left does the same. The guy on my left also stands. His buddies come and gather around.
Man why do all these guys have to be hot, it just makes things harder...
So I find my self in the center of a circle surrounded by hot guys, one who wants  to invade my personal bubble, and another who won't stop glaring at me. Whoopdy doo.


Aaannddd that's all I remember...
Very interesting is it not?
No idea what happened there lol.
Anyways be sure to continue reading, I've already had more dreams!

Bye loves <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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