Chapter 2

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Wade was just your regular guy. Okay no. Backtrack that. He was just your regular merc with a mouth. Nothing special.

He'd just come from a client asking him to stop this creep that kept stalking her. He did his part so she paid him. It was time to relax with a few drinks.

And start some shit to win the Deadpool.

The Deadpool was a board in the bar he always hung at. The mercs would bet their money on who was going to die basically.

"Wade my main man! What can I get for you?" Wades best friend Weasel called out to him.

"Hey Wease. I'd like a blow job."

"Oh god. Me too."

"The drink dumbass."

Weasel turned and begun his magic. He made the drink rather quickly. Topping it off with whip cream.

"I give you the blow job. W-why did you make me make that??"

Wade picked up the blow job and asked one of the waitress to give it to one of the mercs, Buck. Now the magic happens.

Fist fight between two mercs. One is probably gonna die. Atleast thats what Wade thinks. Until Weasel cuts it off.

"Yup! He's still breathing."

A big sigh of disappointment fills the crowd.

"Nice try Wade." Weasel hisses.

"Aye it was worth a shot. I picked Booth in the Deadpool. Who did you pick?" Wade shrugged and turned back to turn to the counter looking at his friend.

"You know, Wade.. about that.."

"No. you did not bet on me to die.."

Wade looks up at the Deadpool board to see Weasels bet on his name.

"Motherfucker, you're the worlds worst friend Weasel. Jokes on you I'm living till I'm 102!" Wade snickered and took a swig of a drink Weasel handed to him.

"Sorry I wanted to win money.. I never win anything.."

"Whatever.. soldiers of fortune, drinks on me!" Wade yells and the crowd cheers.

Weasel says something but he doesn't listen because in the corner of his eye he sees Buck heading towards someone he's never seen before. He's curious so he checks to see who the hell is it.

As he comes closer he sees the guy slowly backing away from Buck.

"H-hey man.. I'm sorry, I just wanted a drink! I don't wanna start a fight."

"Hey Buck leave the kid alone!" Wade says as he stands in between the two men.
Buck snorts and gives the boy a dirty look but walks away.

Wade didn't give the 'kid' a full look cause he was too busy paying attention to Buck but when he turns to see the boy.

In this moment Wade stops dead in his tracks.


The boy is gorgeous. With messy brown hair, skinny but with a nice toned body...hazel doe eyes that sparkle in the shitty lightning.

Wade is tongue twisted. He's never seen a man as beautiful as this man.

"Um-Thanks.." the boy says in a low shaky voices.

"No problem.." Wade replies.

"M-my names Peter by the way.." Peter pulls his hand out to shake Wades hand.


Peter smiles nervously. He knew if it came to drastic measures he could have fought off that other guy easily. But he didn't want to. He was glad this man came out of nowhere.

"So.. what's a nice place like you doing in a boy like this?"
Peter looked at him confused but then let's out a soft chuckle.

'Even his laugh is perfect.' Wade thought.

"How bout a drink?" Wade asked as he took out his hand to grab Peters gently.

"I'd like that.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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