Chapter 4 Annabeth

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"We can talk in Paul's classroom" Percy tells them before putting  his arm around me as we walk to Paul's classroom. 

When we get to the classroom Chris explains to us how they had been causing trouble at camp and Chiron got annoyed and said they needed a high school education. Meanwhile Percy, Thalia and I are all but rolling on the floor laughing.

We all head to class for our first class of the day.
                  Time skip to lunch
When we get to the cafeteria we all sit down and start to wolf down our food cause let's face it, it's not the worst food we've ever had.

The Stoll's stand up on our table and all the sudden scream at the top of their lungs "FOOD FIGHT!!!" And proceed to throw a burrito at Percy's head and he just looks up and says calmly " Oh, it's on"
And throws spaghetti at the brothers.

Then our whole table get into this big food fight until one of the teachers stands up and tells us to go to the principals office. And the only thought in me head was ' this is gonna be a very long year...'

Percabeth at Goode High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now