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Welcome to the Job Description book. As mentioned in the summary, this is where you can find the job you're looking for by reading the descriptions. If you think you found the job, please PM the account and one of the three admins will get to you.

You have to keep in mind that this is a magazine that produces an issue every two months, and you will be asked for an article before the deadline every two months. Try to write or draw ahead of schedule; you can always hand in articles early. If you don't hand in your article, you will receive a strike.

We will post a meeting book where you will need to check in whenever there is a meeting posted so we know that you're all active. If you don't check in, you'll receive a strike. If you receive three strikes, you will be removed from the magazine.

Some positions will have two spots available, so make sure to talk to your partner to make sure you're both not covering the same topic in your articles.

It's important that you've seen Yuri!!! on Ice. We can't stress that enough. It's okay if you're an episode or two away from the end, but you need to have seen enough to understand it and the characters.

Thanks for reading. We hope you find the job you want, and we look forward to working with you!

Job DescriptionsWhere stories live. Discover now