Chapter 8

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I was cooped up in my house for 18 days now. Not eating,going to work, or opening my door. I haven't slept very good and I been cutting myself. I wanted to die and give life back to Zane. He was still on life support. I wasn't allowed to see him. I heard Aph say that he was asking for me once he woke up. But I can't face him. On one hand a voice is telling me to be brave. Go be the badass you but on the other hand it's telling me I am a failure at life. I hurt or kill so many that I love. I shouldn't live on the earth anymore. I should be dead. With no body to care Ian cane but I told him to leave me alone. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Zane's bruised face. I was on the couch watching yet another hopeless romance movie that doesn't end well. It was dark because k didn't want the light. Then out of no where my dkkr broke. I didn't even look up. I pulled my knees up and laid my head on them. "Archer come on. You are getting out of this dark moping space", Aphmau says. I shake my head no. There was no way i was going out there. Then Travis and Garroth came in. "Guys did you hear the news?! Zane is alive", Garroth said. I picked up my head so fast. "What did you just say?" "Zane is alive! He is asking for you!" I quickly get some boots on and drive to the hospital. Everyone is in my car laughing and joking around. Once I get to the hospital they push me into the room. When I get there Zane isn't alive. He is still on life support. "You guys this is a very mean joke. I don't want here", I say. "You stayed in that house long enough. You have to get out sometime", Katelyn says. "No this is a very mean and hurtful prank. I don't want to be here", I say. Zane's eyes flutter open then. "He is waking up. Ever since the first time he woke up he was calling your name. He woke up just after you left. He can't even rember us. Just you", Garroth says. "You guys don't get it", I say. Then the machine went dead. I looked at it and my heart sinked to my shoes. "H-h-h-he's". "Archer what happen", Travis asked? "I told you to not bring me. To let me leave. Bad things happen when I am around", I say. They look at me pleading me to tell what had happen. I just walk to the window and open it. "I love you Zane", I whisper. Then I flung myself out. "Archer!!!" I closed my eyes. I just jumped off the fifth floor. It felt pure and free. Too good to be true. And when I open my eyes I am about to hit the ground. Or maybe not. Because someone catches me just in time. I open my eyes to see Zane. He is out of breath and staring down at me. "Archer. Don't do that again", he says. I climb out of his embrace and hug him tight. "I won't. I promise", I whisper. Zane kisses my head. Then I wake up. I'm in my living room watching that romance movie. It was just a dream. Just a dream. I wish it was real. No but it can't be. Because Zane is in the hospital and I am here.I take my pillow and throw the pillow at the tv. I force the tears back. I am so done with crying. That won't help this. "STUPID JENNIFER!HE DIED! SO WHAT! GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY. NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU AGAIN. NOT LIKE HIM. SO STOP CRYING AND MAKE A NEW FUCKING LIFE", I screamed! I threw another pillow. Then I turned off the tv and sat in silence. I can't live like this. My phone rang but I didn't answer it. Instead I put on a jacket and some boots and then went out. My black clothing was comforting. It felt good for a jog but I just walk. There are kids running around. A random one gives me a hug. I kick her off. She goes and cry to her mom. The mom comes up to me but I just walk away. She screams how rude I am but I don't care. Why should I care? I have no reason to live. I keep walking on. "Wait up", Travis yells! He catches up to me. "I told you to leave me alone. I don't want to speak to you or any of the others about Zane. Especially you", I say. "Just hear this. Zane... He has past." I put on my bravest face but my voice stills wavers. "T-t-t-t-that's not true. It can't be", I say. "I'm sorry. He was asking for you. He said that he wanted to tell how much he loves you. He said he is happy that he has died and you are still living. Zane said don't stop loving him and to not forget him", Travis says. "Travis. He can't die. He was suppose to get better so we can go live and be together. We was suppose to go have fun together. Now we won't be. Because he died and I didn't see him before he did. I'm such a horrible girlfriend", I say. Tears was pouring down my face. Travis pulled me close. I pushed him away. "I just need some alone time Travis." Then I sprint back to my house. I lock my door and turn around put of breath to see Kawii-chan, Aphmau, and Garoth. "Did you hear about Zane", Aph asked? She looked sincere. But I don't want to talk about it. I never want to be on this street ever again. "Just get out! Get out of my life!" I open the door and watch them leave. Aph turns around towards me. "I'm so sorry Archer. You don't have to come to work until you feel better. And here. Its your invitation to the funeral", Aph says. I grab it and then closed the door. I call Ian and tell him I am moving soon. Ian agrees. I start packing. I pull out a box mark Archer under my bed. It's in Zane's handwriting. I open the box and saw a note. Here us what the note said:
Hey Archer.
I know my time is coming. Somehow I knew I would die protecting you. You are a smart and beautiful girl. I love when you are mad, defensive, and happy. I love when you look at me with happiness. I like that I brought you happiness in this world. I love that when your eyes are shining. They shine brighter then the stars. I love when your hair flows around you. I know you are already packing. I must be long gone by then. But don't forget this. When I saw you it was love at first sight. You were so beautiful with your very dark brown eyes. Your dark curls that you make a curtain so I can't see you blush. Even though I see it. You're still as cute as the first time I saw you. How you are so unguarded around me. I love it when your smiling or being sarcastic. I hate to see you cry. But I love you. If I was still alive I would make you my wife right now. No matter what anyone thinks. You make me happy and mixed feelings inside. When I kiss you it feels like magic. It's okay my darling. Try to keep a happy face. I'm so sorry that we have to end like this my sweet. Don't grieve on me forever and don't cut yourself up anymore. Promise me please. See you in another time.
You lover Zane
P.S. There is another surprise in the box.
After I read the note I sit down and stare at it. I look up to see the box. Slowly I reach towards it and take out a ring. There's a little message on it: will you be mine forever. I slip on the ring. The ring was black and sliver. There was no way that Zane died. I just know he isn't dead. I get up and walk out. I go to my car and get in. They haven't taken him out the hospital. Not yet. I know it takes a day for the coffin to get there. And I can be there in ten minutes. I went straight to Zane's room. No one was in there. "Zane come on and stay strong. Please do it for us. Stay strong", I say. I brush the hair away from his eyes. They were closed. "Come on Zane. It's Archer. You need to stay strong. I'm right here. Follow the sound of my voice. Even if I am far away."
*Zane's P.O.V.*
I'm a shadow. In between light and dark. Then I heard Archer's voice. I couldn't make out the words. So I just follow it. Follow it wherever she is. Then I'm in a hospital. Archer is looking at someone crying. I think it's Ian but then I see me. "Zane come back. Fight death. I don't care. Stay strong and come back to me", she says. I look at Archer. That can't be me. The note I left her. That was my way of saying goodbye. I told Garroth to put it there. I come up to this Zane. I touch him and I fade away. And then I am completely faded. Not existing.
*archer's P.O.V.*
Zane's breathing even. His eyes open slowly. He looked at me. And I know it's not a dream. Zane sits up slowly. Like it hurts him. I hug him tightly. I don't care if he is being crush. I just so glad that he is alive. "I missed you so much. So very much. You had me so scared Zane. Never do that again. Please don't get yourself killed for me", I say. "I missed you too. I can't promise you that though. I'll try", he says. I give him a smile. Then the door opens. Zane tense but then he relax. I let go and look up. Ms. and Mr. Ro'maeve is there. I don't stand up. I stay in Zane's arms. "Didn't we tell you th-". "Zane?! How are you alive", Ms. Ro'maeve says. "I had a little help from someone", Zane says. He flashes me a smile and kisses my head. "This girl!? Zuzu she is just trouble. Stay away from he-". "No mom. You don't get it. I fell in love and you can't stop it okay. So stop trying to ruin every relationship in my life", Zane says. His mom leaves. "Zane you have disappointed me and your mother very much. You should think of your actions a little more wisely when dating this girl", Zane's dad says. "You know what. I know I am not perfect. Or rich but everyone has there flaws. Mine are just a little deeper then everyone else's. But that doesn't mean you get to treat me any which way. Not at all! So stop. You don't disrespect your clients or employees so don't disrespect your son's girlfriend got it big guy", I say. Zane's dad just left. I look at Zane my face flush. "You look cute when your mad", Zane says. "Of course I do. Now wait here. I'll grab you clothes and some food", I say. I go out and smile last lightly. My world just turned upside down and then back right again. I went to find clothes and food. Once having those I gave them to Zane. I closed the door and stood outside waiting. Zane came out and wrap his arms around me. He was still pretty weak. "Come on let's go home", I say. We walked off.

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