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Err I feel myself regaining consciousness but my vision very blurry.

After a few moments followed I regained full consciousness and also my vision back.

I looked to my side and noticed that I was on my bed and also that I was still in my towel.

"Wha - What happened ?" I said unsure about what had happened before I had lost my consciousness.

"I drugged you." Said a deep but yet familiar voice said.

I looked towards the edge of the bed and saw cobra!

"Wha - What do you want with me?" I said as fear slowly consumed me.

"Oh , I only want you to be my mate or else I'm sure you'll regret it ." He said as he crawled towards where I was sitting on which was the the head of the bed as my eyes widened.

"W - Why S - Should I regret it ?" I said scared at what he could do.

"Because if you don't then your spirits and your guild will be in a whole lot of trouble." He said as he jingled my key infront of me , His face millimeters away from mine.

"Please I'm begging you do any thing to me I'll do any thing for you but please don't hurt Fairy Tail or my Spirits Please." I begged edging a bit closer to him.

"Fine I will not hurt your guild but only on one condition , That is to be my mate." He said dead seriously as my eyes widen but I agreed in order to keep my family safe.

I nodded saying yes as he leaned into kissed me.

The moment is hard lips touched my soft ones I felt fire works light up in my stomach , It felt so , Almost , Nearly perfect.

One of his hands caressed my cheek while the other laid it self on my hips.

I hesitantly brought both my hands slinging on his neck.

After a few minutes me parted in need to breath.

"Lucy .....?" Cobra said as I raised an eye brow at him. "You know ever since the first time I met even when nirvana was In sequence I had loved you when I first say you I fell in love with you and at that moment I knew that you were my mate at that moment even judging by you stubborn attitude I knew you were my mate and I'm sorry for kissing you and forcing you it's - it's that I love you a lot and I really want you to be mine I'm sorry." He apologized.

I slowly leaned my forehead on him and rubbed his cheek smoothly and slowly.

"Actually now that you mention it I kindda you know it felt perfect when our lips were joined it felt good and I actually think now I have a crush on you." I whispered as I kissed him gently not letting him to get a chance to speak.

I could feel his eyes on me as I had closed my eyes but I still felt his gaze which was filled with internal shock , But he slowly melted in to the kiss as this time one of his hands gripped my hips while the other was on the backside of my neck.

He deepened the kiss by Making his way down to my neck still kissing every speck of skin his lips made contact with , As he bit into my neck I moaned loudly he then licked the same spot I could feel my neck heat up as I dug my nails into his arms and then left my neck and stared into my hazel brown eyes.

I looked back at him " Your my mate lucy." He said as I flashed a smile at him which he gladly returned , That smile so beautiful , His smile was so beautiful.

"You know you should smile more ." I said to his my smile still not washing away from my face as he nodded.

"Hey um lucy......" he said while blushing furiously , I raised a Brow at him " Can you please where some thing other than that towel or you might end up loosing your innocence." He said his blush washed away and was tired to a devilish smirk while staring a my chest.

I blushed crimson red and screamed his name in embarrassment and rushed to the bathroom while grabbing a t - Shirt and some shorts because it was already nighttime.

As I stepped out of the bathroom my eyes caught the delicious sight of cobras half naked muscled body , his eyes open looking back at me , I instantly licked my now dried up lips.

'Payback' I thought as I made my way towards him and laid down next to him.

As soon as he closed his eyes I shifter on top of him my legs at both sides of his hips , At that moment his eyes shot up I leaned forward and captured his lips , After a few minutes passed I began to kiss him down his jaw line as he moaned his eyes still open wide , After a few moments of terrorizing and teasing him I stopped and smirked as I rolled off him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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Loving a person once evil (cobra x Lucy) Fairy tailWhere stories live. Discover now