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  "I THINK SHE'S starting to lose it."

a small voice whispers furtively. I ignore the group obviously gossiping about me, and try to pass by them.

  " There's no question about it, she's been mad for a long time. Ever since she decided to move with those Puritans who think they're better than everyone else." The loud voice of Jessica proclaims from the titters of her minions. I have never understood what she holds against me. Although, I suspect Paul's attraction to me may be connected to the reason. Her next words enhance my suspicions. " The only reason she's still in the gang is because Shadow's got the hots for her. And goodness knows how many times she's had to go down on him to keep it that way." She finishes smugly. When I don't hear the usual giggles and snorts that accompany her smart comment, and instead hear fearful gasps, I know that Jessica is about to get her comeuppance. And although I know it's wrong, I smile with glee at the thought. As I reach the exit from our hangout, I glance backwards to catch a glimpse of the action. I see Jessica being reprimanded by our leader Greg and Paul is beside him glaring mutiny at her. Again, I grin at the white-faced fear on her face.

  Serves her right. I think smugly when I see her tremble, as Shadow let looose his own tirade.

  When you gloat at her expense, you become as bad as she is.

  But it's not fair. Why do we always have to be the good guys? Aren't we entitled to some satisfaction. You teach us not to seek revenge, but can't we at least be happy at our enemy's downfall. It's not like we're the ones who caused the downfall in the first place, they brought it on themselves!

  Yes, they did. But look at it this way. There are two guys sitting in a restaurant, one's mean and the other a sweet guy. Supposing every time a person gloats at another's misfortune, they have green spots all over them that show people exactly what they're doing. Now the mean guy's gladly causing misery, while the nice guy's consoling those he can with his warm gestures. The first set of people to enter the restaurant see this and commend the good guy, all the while spiting the bad guy and pitying his victims. Then something bad happens to the bad guy where he's sitting, and suddenly everyone-including the nice guy, is laughing at him. This time they have green spots on their bodies. And the second set of people who enter the restaurant, come in to see this scene. They don't care who was the good guy or who was the bad guy, they make thier judgement on what is before them. Which is a room of people laughing at an unfortunate man. Now tell me, if you had entered that room with the second set of people, would you even consider that not all of the people laughing at the bad guy are mean? No. Your protective instincts would kick in, and you'd condemn them all. That's what I'm trying to tell you, it doesn't matter how you are on the inside, it's what you show on the outside that people judge you by-your behavior towards others around you.

  I guess you're right. I sigh thoughtfully. Although it was fun while it lasted.

  The wrong things always are. The voice chuckles amused.

  I close the door on the argument that has ensued. Walking down the street towards the confectioners, I think on my life and how to go on from here.

  " Annabelle?" A soft voice asks hesitantly from somewhere behind me. " Belle, is that you?"

Only one person calls me Belle, and I had presumed she was dead. So with my heart in my throat, I turn behind me. Hoping against hope that Jenny and her lackeys are not right about my state of mind. Then I see her standing there. The sun shinning behind her making her almost ethereal in appearance. " Mommy."

*** Ta-da! Finally, an update :-). Happy New year, folks.***


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