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First chapter..


I realised time, is neither a friend nor is it an enemy... 
Time is just a measurement.
The measure of how long you'd cry,how long you'd suffer, how long you'd laugh..how long you'd love... Most of all how long you'd live.
You'd realise, that nothing is really permanent. Time just pass by so fast that we breathe a sigh of relief when the trouble passes and regret when we fail to cherish the precious moments...

So I'm making a choice not to regret. I'll cherish these moments because these are the best of my life.

May be the worst is yet to come. That's for future worries. I'm not going let this time pass me by without cherishing it.

"Mommy hurry we're going to be late." I grab the last apple juice from the fridge and turned to see Augustine running towards me.

"Eager much aren't we?" placing the juice in the basket, I swoop him into my arms and placed a thousand kisses all over his face. He wiggles and giggles uncontrollably when I tickle him.
Looks like he got a feature of me. We hate to be tickled. But.. His silky pitch dark hair, his hazel eyes, cute plum lip and that pointed noise.Just the spinning image of... his father.

"Will uncle Jay come with us?" he asks showing me his now growing tooth. 
I remember when his tooth feel last month. I had to sneek into his bedroom to take his tooth because he wouldn't stop crying as to why the tooth fairy hasn't come for his tooth.
Believe me it wasn't easy convincing him, the tooth fairy was on a vacation that's why she couldn't come for his tooth. 
Sometimes I think he's too smart for his own good.

"Yep. Would you love that?" I positioned him at my side and dragged the ice chest with another hand.

"Yes! He promised to play football with me." he looked way way too enthusiastic.

I stopped to look at him.
"Football again??  What if you lose your tooth like the last time?"

"I won't. I'll be more careful this time. I promise." he pout making him so cute.
I looked at him doubtfully but how could I say no to this face?

"Ugh!! Fine but let me warn you. The tooth fairy is gone on a vacation so if you should lose a tooth, don't come crying to me." Just making sure not to get a repeat of the last time I.

" I won't, I won't.... I'll cry to granny instead."

Like I said too smart for his own good. I stared at him whilst he gave me his toothy grin. But then again now that I think about it,
"Fair enough.  Let's go." he lets out yey! And I just laugh at him.

We said goodbye to Mrs Graham and Susan. They were supposed to come with us but Mrs Graham later thought against it and succeeded in convincing Susan not to go.  I mean it was her idea for the picnic anyways. I knew her plans form the beginning all along, I just decided not to mind.

Turning my head to look at Augustine, how he playful jumped up and down the seats dancing to the rhythm of the song playing on the channel.

Look how fast you've grown.

I remembered the day I found out I was pregnant.
I left Slovang with Mrs Graham after she successfully convinced me I couldn't raise my child there. She was right the town was too dull to raise a kid.

I remember a month later we left to Dubai. She told me she had a house there.  Moving to a bigger city was a big or a problem but I wasn't sure what I was afraid of. There was no other option for me than to accept her help.

We got to Dubai and I realised I hadn't no idea of who Mrs Graham really was.

Her house wasn't just a house which I thought. It was a mansion! It turned out she was the CEO of the Graham Gem Jewellery. That was like the biggest and I mean most prominent jewellery provider.Believe me, I couldn't believe it at first.

How she ended up in a home for the elderly ? She had no or less family relations, most have died and the ones who remained were over seas living their own life... and her mansion was nothing but empty eventually, it's turned into a cage for her,so she moved to slovan two years ago and stayed in an elderly home where could have.. A family. Her attorney managed her properties.

The reason why she felt the need to help me was because her daughter died giving birth. She was and is like a mother to me. And I'll forever be grateful to her.

I worked as her protégé until I was ready, she handed me the the position as CEO that was last year, uncondition that the public will know her name as the CEO not me.

I don't know what it is but am I hiding?

It's like God sent me a guardian angel during my dark time.

My eyes fall on the necklace around my baby's neck...
''The key to his heart." I immediately push the memory away and focused on the road.

"4 long years."I have been able to live through it.

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