Seeing You.

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He took a step back taking a proper look not make sure he's imagining.
I run to him hugging him and it took several minutes before he slowly wrapped his arms around me and cried so hard on my shoulders.

"You'll be okay Mike." I rubbed his back hugging him tighter.

"He's gone. He's gone Danielle, my father is gone." he weeps more and I wish I could take away his pain but I can't. But this is something he must feel.

"I know Mike. It's okay to cry.I'm here for you." I didn't want him to see me cry too then who'll be comforting who? I have learnt to stay strong. I had to be strong for him.

"You shouldn't have left us. You have no idea what you did." I just stay silent listening to him and caressing his hair so he wouldn't cry anymore. 

'' I couldn't come back to you. Forgive me Mike." I felt him nod his head.

"Promise me you won't leave us. Promise me." now I was lost of words. I knew I couldn't stay but he's already hurting I didn't want to hurt him more. I know the feeling of losing someone you love.

"I promise Mike. I promise. It's going to be okay. Believe me."
''I want to see Mr... " I say after a long pause.  Mike let's go off me and nods telling a nurse to take me to his room.

***MIKE'S POV ***

" Mike" I turned to see Marcel. He stood there so composed as usual. Sometimes I wish I could be strong like him but I can't. I stared at him then I saw an emotion in his eyes.
He moved to hug me so quickly I didn't see it coming. "I'm here for you. Brother."
I'm still shocked at this after a second I hugged him back.
" Brother?" I say with a shaky voice.

"You've been there for me more than anyone. You were always by my side when I needed you. To me, you are like a brother. We'll get through this. I know you are strong." he says and I begin to tear up.

"I'm sorry I can't be strong like you."

"Are you kidding? You are the strongest person I have known.  You smiled, laughed and lived life even though it pushed you down so hard. I look at you and I see hope. Hope that someday I'll be as strong as you. I'll always be here for you."

I couldn't believe this. It's like everything is a dream. Imaginative revelations.

Seeing Danielle... Marcel show his emotions even though he's bottled them for the last four years.
I always knew he wasn't completely gone.

He broke the hug and placed his hands on my shoulders giving me an assuring smile. I'm glad they were here for me.
He said he's going to see dad and I nodded. Just when he was about to turn I remembered.
"Marcel there's something you must know."

"Sure. But I won't keep long so tell me when I get back." he walks away in a hurry.

Then I wondered, maybe it's much better if he sees her for himself.

I walk back to the reception and Mike sat there with the same incredulous look. It's like he's not believing what's happening. I can't say I wasn't happy when he hugged me. I thought he'd push me away for leaving.

I bent down to him taking his hands in mine.
He looked at me silently for so long I wondered what he was thinking.

"Why did you cut your hair?" he asked and I'm taken aback for a second.
Really! All the important questions he could ask..
I just look at him discretely but my lip stretched into a smile.
"I like it." he says. He gets up pulling me with him.
"I really can't believe you are here." our hug was disrupted when I heard.

"Michael." I froze at that voice. My heart beat rose increasingly that I just thought I was going to have a heart attack.
This is bad! I haven't even looked at him yet and see how what's happening to me.

I left Mike the same time he left me. I watched him wipe his face and he said
That was all it took for me to faint.  Okay I didn't actually faint but I'm not far from doing that either. 

My back was still faced to him and we were all silent. I'm guessing he was wondering who the woman was...
" I'm going to see the doctor. Do you want to come with? "
Or not.

Mike on the other hand remained silent or so.. I couldn't really make things out my heart just drummed in my ears.

After a minute or so. I heard him say ''okay'' and foot steps backing away.. just a few steps.
" Marcel."

I wanted to stop Mike but I felt numb. I knew I had no way of hiding from this. Its been four years! I don't think seeing will affect me that much.

Keep it together Danielle!

Taking a step back, I turned around to him but it felt slow really slow.

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