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Watching Mike and Augustine play together, now I finally realise that I did make a good decision, Letting Mike know his nephew.
"Okay baby, it's past bed time. " I say walking up to them. He looks disappointed and reluctantly walks a few steps to me.

" But I'm not sleepy yet." he says rubbing his eyes and I just shake my head. Suddenly he looks wide awake and very enthusiastic. "Mommy Uncle Mike says he'll take me out tomorrow."

I look from him to Mike and he gives me this wide grin and a sheepish look, searching my eyes for approval. I smile at him, I couldn't deny him. I'm more than happy he wants to spend more time with Augustine.
I turned to Augustine pretending to think about it. After a minute, I said
"Fine. But.. Only if you go to bed right now." pointing to the direction of his room.

He happily agrees and runs to Mike perking him Goodnight. "See you tomorrow." he says before running past me.

"Wear your pj. I'll be right there." I shout so he could hear me.

Mike gets up from the floor and I walk to the coat rack and picks up his coat.
"You could move in with us you know." I joked handing him the coat but the surprised look on his face told me he did catch up on the humour.
"Mike!" I say trying to make him realise I was just being humorous.

He suddenly puts on a big grin. "I know." he takes the coat and I walk him out.
"I am glad you invited me though. Thank you. Today's been great."

"Please, who was going to eat all that cheese steak?" I teased and he just grew pink.
"Plus I knew it was your favourite that's I made it for you." he laughs nodding as we stepped out into the porch. It's a good thing the wind wasn't too cold.  I didn't want him to leave yet.

"I must say the night went better than I expected.'' I said once we seated on the bench.
" I'm glad I finally met her, Mrs Graham, she's nice, she reminds me of..." He thrills off as if remember something.  " an aunt." I watched him say and smile but then the smile faded and he inhales a deep breath raking a hand through his head. I took his hands when I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Mike." I say softly. He ignores me and suddenly his expression changes.

"But I do know exactly why you say that." his eyes bore into mine and he give me this amused look, my face furrow in confusion trying to figure him out.

"What are you.."Then it hit me! Of course he knew. The fact that Marcel wasn't brought up as the main subject for discussion made me really relieved.
I just roll my eyes turning away from him but he still held my hands.
He opened up his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.
"How's the funeral coming up." I blurted out. Then I just remembered we've already discussed it at the table.. But so what? I had to say something.

"Very well... Haven't I already given you feed back about this?" he says looking skeptical. I know he's just pretending. I just kept my arms crossed refusing to answer. He simply chuckles and continues.
'' Quite surprisingly the process is really speeding up all thanks to.. Marcel." He presses his mouth together as if not wanting to say something.
"He's... Really really really working hard on this and...we all are but I just really wish he'll just slow down a bit" he looked worried and I tried to ignore whatever it is I'm feeling right now. "Well of course he never listens so I'll have to put up with it."
I left a pftt sound giving him the obviously-loook
" Plus I am more worried that his girlfriend might feel ignored."
Wait what!!!!! Girlfriend?!! He's ... He has..  My heart just sting immediately!

"Huh?" I say softly and I know my face looked stupid.
I felt like I couldn't breath.

"Yeah.. Expecially now that they are getting married soon enough." I hear him say with all seriousness and my heart just stopped beating. I swear I couldn't breathe no more. I must be dreaming! I almost cried in front of him. I didn't know what to do right now. Run to him and tell him not to go through with the marriage or what?? My eyes suddenly felt hot and I know I was about to burst into tears. 

"Wooah hold up!" he says and I just stare blankly. I still feel hollow.
" You look like you are about to vanish before my very eyes. I was just joking calm your heart. Yeish!"

"Huh?" I say still dazed. I blink and shake my head and finally I feel the blood working again. I opened my eyes to see an amused Mike. He looked like he was just about to burst with the laughter he's trying too hard to control.
Oh God!  I silently left a sigh of relief as the uneasy feeling abated and suddenly I was consumed with anger. How could he!

"Ai!! I'm going to kill you, you hear me!" I say reaching out for him but he was quick enough to run past me bursting into laughter.

"Seems like someone hasn't really moved on." he teased.
I just didn't know what to do! I want to struggle him with my bear hands and then.. I don't even know..

"Shut up! You know what! Go home!!." I just couldn't take this anymore I turn around and back inside.

"Aww.. Don't hate me, I love you. I'll come for Augustine tomorrow!" I hear him shout so I could hear him. I was so angry, I just shut the door and headed straight to my room.

"Stupid Mike." I slumped on my bed touching my chest which was still beating but slowly now. After a while.. I just laughed then drifted off to sleep.

THE LYING GAME (SEQUEL) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin