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Two years after Camila announced her departure from fifth harmony both acts are scheduled to perform at the same awards show

The truth is that both parties were successful apart and while Camila found massive success almost immediately with her "pop-y" vibes and creative runs as well as deep, meaningful lyrics; fifth harmony struggled in the beginning to find their sound as a four piece after a few months of trial and error they finally found something that would work for and accommodate the remaining girls' voices: RnB.

Although both Camila and fifth harmony found success on their own it was clear that Camila was better off as she was being mentioned amongst stars like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and even Taylor Swift while fifth harmony were pretty stable as well being the biggest, most popular group in the world.

The months following Camila's departure were rough on the remaining girls' personal relationship with Camila.

Normani and Ally had no relationship with Camila at all

Dinah was still very much present in Camila's life and vice-versa, whenever they were at the same awards show they ended up spending time together even hanging out sometimes, and both girls were very supportive of each other's career as well.

Lauren, well.. that's complicated.. they definitely don't hate each other, quite the opposite actually there still is a lot of love between the two, but to say that Lauren wasn't very much hurt and angry that Camila left the group is an understatement.

Today they are all bound to meet again since both Camila and Fifth Harmony are scheduled to perform at the same awards show: The Grammys.

Camila was scheduled to perform her #1, multi-platinum hit single: "emotions"

Fifth Harmony was there to perform their huge hit that reached #1 in pop radio as well as RnB: "don't"

In the morning of the event, Camila was at the venue early to soundcheck and rehearse little did she know that Fifth Harmony was scheduled to rehearse a few minutes after her meaning they would probably be around while she rehearsed

Camila was taking a fifteen minute break and was wandering backstage with her sister when an all too familiar face popped up from behind a big speaker and scared her and Sofi

"Boooo!!!" Dinah yelled as she tackled Camila into the ground while reminding Camila how much she missed her meanwhile Camila was still in shock to say the least

"Shit, Dinah! Hey oh my god i missed you so much" Camila finally said as soon as she recovered from her minor panic attack

The two hugged on the floor for a few minutes and then they proceeded to walk around catching up with each other but soon they were interrupted by another familiar face

"Camzzzzzzz, how are you? Mike Jauregui said while opening his arms to bring Camila into a hug

"Papa J, I'm so good thank you how are you? How's Taylor and Chris?" Camila responded with a big smile

"I'm glad to hear that, camz. We're good! We all miss having you around" Mike said as the two untangled

The four stood there conversing for a little while until Camila announced that she had to go back to rehearse so they said their goodbyes and Camila and Dinah were walking back to the stage when Camila interrupted Dinah's ramblings about how they had to take a selfie "how are the girls?"

Dinah shifted a little and smiled sadly "um they're good.. it's just been tough recently it's honestly like we work together and that's as far as that goes like there is no friendship, no one hangs out after studio sessions, the tension can be cut with a knife at all times, and we can NEVER agree on things as far as the music we're basically all kind of over it at this point, it's sad."

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