Crazy Club

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"Girl let's go. Cut loose, Ok Caleb cheated on you and I'm sorry but its been 2 months girl. Just got to the club with me plz." My sister Terri begged me with her long Grey hair shinning from the light in my room. "Fine." I say as I get up to get ready. I take out my black short dress that hugs my cubes and let my black and blonde hair fall to my hips and put on my black high heels and light make up. "You ready?" Terri asked as she came in my room wearing a white dress down to her knees, flats her hair in a high bun and light make up. "You look amazing." I say as I walk up to her. "Me look at you I'm sure all the guys will drool ova you honey with them curves." She laughed as she dragged me to the blue charger out side. "The crew is meeting us there." She said as she pulled off.

Time skip brought to you buy dancing......CLUB

We pull up to the club and get out. "Yoooo!" Kiev yells as he stands at the door with his arm around Alexis. "Y'all look beautiful." Shadow and Jack say at the same time. "Hey T. Hey J." Amiri says not looking up from his phone. "Let's go." After entering the club everyone goes to dance but me and T. "Go dance and stop chilling with me." I say as I look around and spot a guy with a buzz cut at Terri. "Heads up cutie 6 o'clock." I whisper to her. She looks up from her phone to see him walking over to us with another guy with long brown hair and blue eyes. "Hello lady's. My name is Kevin and this is my brother Igor." Buzz cut says. "Nice to meet you." Terri says as she turns around and faces the bar. "Playing hard to get I like that." Kevin laughs as he jumps into a convo with Terri. "Hello beautiful." Igor says to me as he bows his head a little. "H-Hello." I stutter out as I look down. "Would you care to dance?" He asked. I turn around to ask Terri will she be ok only to see her on the dace floor with Kevin. "Sure."

Extended Ending- 2 years later

"Hey Terri. Here's Shanna and Uriah (if you read divergent you'll know where I got the names) and they were so sweet." I say as I give the twins to Terri. "Thanks tell Igor I said hi." She says as she leaves. "Honey was that Terri." He asked. "Yes she came to get her kids. And soon." I paused as I kissed him lips. "We will have our own." I say putting my hand on my now big stomach. He laughs and kisses me. "Ummmmm baby?" I ask as I looked him in the eyes with a frown. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"My water just broke."

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