Hurston High

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          "Amber, wake up! It's time for school!" my mother's voice echoes through the house. Oh crap, I can't be late for my first day of school! I quickly spring out of my bed. I glance at the clock, which reads 7:30. In order to get to school on time I need to leave by 7:50. Since being late is clearly NOT an option, I scurry to my closet to see what I have to wear. I own a lot of clothes, but first impressions are important, and the right outfit can say a lot.

I pick out a pair of ripped jeans and a cute blouse with flowers on it. Then I put on some makeup, using my favorite eyeshadow palette. I choose a subtle brown, not to over the top, but just enough to make my sky blue eyes stand out {A/N pic of what Amber looks like is on cover page}. After putting my hair in a high pony I glance at the clock once more. It's 9:49. I grab a bar from the kitchen and get in my car. A few months ago I had turned 17, and with that said I got a new car right away. Technically, I should have been able to get a car at 16, but my family couldn't afford it. But when my mom got a job as a dentist, she raised enough money to buy if for me. Now I drive it everywhere, pleased with my newfound independence.

When I get to school, it's 8:00. Perfect. I double check myself in the car mirror, then walk up to the building. Hurston High, my new school. I had previously attended a private school for all girls, but the cost was too much for my parents and I ended up transferring here. All my life I've been a "good girl". I've always gotten A's, never gotten in trouble, and attended private schools. Yea, I know. Kinda lame. I guess that's just how my parents are. All that modesty crap. To be honest though, I didn't mind it much. I just blended in with the crowd, and kept to myself most of the time. It's not like I had that many friends anyway. Maybe this time, it'll be different.

I walk into the main hall, where students hustle about, trying to get to class. I pull out my schedule paper with my locker number on it. I am locker number 46. After finding and putting my things into my locker, I head to my first class, which is science. I walk into the classroom. Luckily, I'm not the last person to arrive. Other students still shuffle into the room. Many of the seats are taken, and I don't know anyone. I choose a seat next to a girl, sitting there writing something in her notebook. She has long blonde hair tied into a bun, and her eyes are a pretty shade of green. She looks up at me as I sit down. "Hey! What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before... Are you new?" She says, beaming over at me from her seat. "Yea, I'm Amber. Nice to meet you." I say, giving her a smile. "I'm Kelsey. Welcome to Hurston, because, like, everyone loveesss school so much!" She says sarcastically. We both laugh. "Just kidding. Kinda."

         She looks back down at her notebook, and tilts here head, contemplating something. "What are you writing?" I ask. She covers it up, and blushes a little. "Oh... just messing around. I'm, uh - drawing" she says. I give her a knowing look. I may have just met her, but I know when a person is lying. She sighs, and removes her hand from the notebook. "Okay, fine. I'm sketching clothing designs. One day, I want to be a designer, but I've never actually shown these to anyone..." She says, pointing to the dress she was drawing. It had short sleeves and flowed down just past knee - length. It was beautiful. She looks at me as I examine it, trying to see what I'm thinking. "I know it's not much, I was in a hur -" I cut her off. "Kelsey, this is amazing! Where did you learn to do this?" I exclaimed. At this, her eyes glinted and she smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. I could tell she had been nervous showing the drawing to me, but I'm glad she did. "Thanks! I took some classes early on but mostly I just do it myself." She says.

         I am about to say more, but our conversation is interrupted by the teacher's voice sounding through the room. "Okay everyone, quiet down, quiet down!" She shouts over us. "I am Mrs. Robin for those who don't know, and I am your science teacher. The first thing we'll be doing is a small project to get you into the flow of things. You'll pick a partner and the two of you will make a short PowerPoint on a topic of your choice. You will have a long time to do this, so consider it a gift." She announces. Then she hands everyone out an info paper, with specific details on the project.

I pair with Kelsey. For the rest of the class we brainstorm ideas for the project, but neither of us can come up with a good one. So, we decide to meet up later to work on it. After all, we have a whole week. The bell rings, signaling the end of class. I gather my things and walk out with Kelsey by my side. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

End of chapter! Sorry if it was kinda short, but I'll try to make them longer as I go. This was just the intro. Chapters will be posted twice a week. If you like the story so far then feel free to vote for it ;) If not, then I'm sorry you didn't. Thanks!
- The Author

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