Meeting Him

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After saying goodbye to Kelsey, who had a different class next, I walk to my locker to grab my notebook. After doing so, I stare down at my schedule. It reads History. I stuff the paper back in my folder and continue walking.

However, the notebook I just grabbed from my locker slides out from my arms and crashes to the ground, along with my pencil and some pens. "Shit!" I mutter. Not wanting anyone to notice what just happened, I quickly reach down to pick up my things.

As I do, another hand makes contact with mine. "Need some help?" A deep voice chuckles. I look up. A guy with brown hair and bold blue eyes looks down at me. For a second I am held captive by his stare, his blue eyes piercing through me, as if they were staring right through my soul. Then I am taken back into reality. "Oh- thanks" I say, trying to hide my blushing. He helps me pick up my books. As he does I notice his muscles, moving every time he reaches for a book. It takes everything I have for me to stop from staring. Once we pick up all my stuff, we stand up.

"Sorry about that I -" I am cut off by his voice. "No, it's fine. Anytime." He grins at me. "Say, I haven't seen you before. You new?" He asks, tilting his head. "Yea, I'm new here. My name is Amber." I say, more confident now. I straighten up a bit. "I just transferred here." I state. "Oh, where from?" He asks. I suddenly regret mentioning my transfer. I quickly come up with a lie. "Oh, just some random school, you probably haven't heard of it." I smile, hoping he believes me. I hold my breath in anticipation. To my surprise, he does. "Cool. Well I gotta go, I'll see you around Amber" he says before walking away to a group of friends. I stand there for a few seconds, my mouth gaping, until finally I walk off to class.

I arrive in the classroom and sit down. The teacher drones on about some guy who discovered a famous monument or some crap. But for the first time in my life, I find myself not listening. I'm not taking notes or reading from the textbook or talking with other students. Instead, my mind is on is the guy I met earlier....

Who was he? Probably some god sent from the heavens. I giggled to myself. Then something occurred to me. I didn't even get his name! He could be my soulmate, and I don't even know his name! What if we are meant to be? I close my eyes and imagine him again. His hair, his piercing eyes, his perfect jawline, everything. But I shake off the thought. Im such an idiot, he probably has a girlfriend anyway. 

        For the rest of the day I go on about my business. Most classes didn't give much homework, just introduction courses. I tried to occupy my mind with reading and doing my class work, but as the day went on I couldn't contain it anymore. I HAD to tell someone about the guy I met. So, I went straight to Kesley...

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