Chapter 6~ The proposal

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~~Chantelle's POV~~

Drama finished with us having nothing sorted out for our performance and now we had a free period. We all decided to go back to our dorm. Tyler included. Well that was a lot of drama. I've always wanted a gay friend! I wonder what he's like. Well he is definately not shy or anything i thought at the beginning. He is definately the opposite. He is upbeat and loud and funny. Not forgetting awesome.

We were sitting in our painting our nails. Tyler was painting Winnie's because apparently she has really shaky hands.

"UUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH! We have PE tomorrow!" Winnie grunted throwing her timetable across the room.

"UUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Alaska parroted.

"Oh shoot, that reminds me. I need some sort of kit 'cause everything i brought is not PE suitable." I said remembering. Why didn't i in the first place? "Are we allowed to go shopping during the week?" I asked hoping i could. If i cant then i am in deep doodoo...

"Yeah, but before dinner." Alaska replied not even bothering to look up from her feet. She had such a concentrated face. I looked at the clock. 4 hours until dinner. PERFECT!

"Yay! Who wants to come with me!?" I asked. Everyone grunted displeasingly.

"A simple no would have been nice." I said with attitude. Fine.

"No, its just that..." Treacherous started looking around for something. Something for an excuse. Her head dropped down to her fingers. "Our nails aren't dry!" She said with a big smile plastered over her face, looking pleased with her 'quick thinking'.

"Fine." I moaned and got up to go to my drawer. They were going to need to be persuaded. I took out my purse and started heading for the door. Really slowly. Like how they do in dramatic movies. As soon as i touched the door handle I looked back with a sad puppy dog face, again like they do in the movies. Alaska gave me the 'really?' face while shaking her head. I turned back and opened the

"I'll go with you." Tyler sighed and got up.

"Yay!" I squealed pleased with my acting and persuading efforts. I opened the door letting Tyler past first and shouted 'Later Losers!' before closing the door behind me. Shopping, Here i come!

--Alaska's POV--

The reason i didn't go with Chantelle is because i absolutely loath shopping! What is so fun about it anyways? Its just buying clothes!

Plus my toenails were'nt dry so i had a good excuse. And can i say something? That whole puppy dog face thing that she just did was one of the most deperate things she can possibly pull. Not saying that it wasn't good and not saying that i nearly fell into her trap but it was quite tacky...

"How does she not come to a school without a PE kit in the first place?" Hazel asked.

"No idea." I replied because quite frankly i had no idea whatsoever. At least she knew it was a boarding school so... "Hey, what do you guys think of her? I couldn't ask last time because you went with her to shop" I said directing the last bit to treacherous and purposely putting a disgusted face before saying the word 'shop'.

This will be interesting...

"I don't know. We haven't known her long but she seems nice." Fly said seriously. This was replied with some nods and 'yeahs'. I just nodded in reply.

"She seems fun, she could be my partner in crime." Ella said going into a karate position. I smiled, so close to laughing while I shook my head. Everyone else was smiling at her comment. All except Treacherous. I looked at her. She looked quite bored and looked like she was avoiding the question.

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