Make it or , Fucking deal with it

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My name is Derek and I'm pretty much a loner at heart , I love weed and eat golden flake all day but the one thing I desire most is to have the worlds classist pussy of all the nation! But like I said I love kush and are to a loner . But in today's world everyone can be a boy or girl or what ever the fuck they want which is worng because there are only 2 gender !!!! Whoops STOP reading if u don't know shit from shit because it's scientifically proven that there is only make and female . Fuckin gay ass shit man : but I also really like memes not the harambe that shit got old and like was Fr messed up even tho I would pull my dick out for an ape that went ape shit on a black kid 😂 You see what I did there with the ape and the ape shit ahhhhhh I'm a fuckin wired ass nigga . But anyways I was born straight out of Arizona and yes I'm white but I'm a tan white so I guess I'm allowed to say nigga in some parts of the u.s without a cap being busted in my ass. But beggars can't be choosers . I'm 17 years old and well my friends say that they have gotten the pus pus but prolly not because they are like me so you know prolly not. But Jackson told me that to get the girls is to like get the meme . That can definitely be taken many different ways but I took it as him saying that if u like the meme and recreate the meme you can make the girl yours with a creation?! (Like I said I like weed) but so far this has been a stupid story but it's leading up to a pretty triumphic climax whop whop *plays wham *

4 years and 12 days Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ