First Kiss

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You snuggled into your boyfriend's chest as you watched the horror movie you requested. You were so scared that you almost pissed your pants but Hak doesn't show any emotions AT ALL.

He just pats your head when the scary scene comes up and just teased how much of a scary cat you are. And in return , you punched him in the arm or shot back something insulting ( A/N The amusement park incident )

But of course when the .... Thing comes up on the screen , you always scream in fear. Sometimes ... Too loudly. It comes to a point when Hak couldn't stand it anymore and kissed you every time you shrieked .

"W-what in the world of cheese and crackers?!?!?!" You exclaimed covering your mouth with your hands while glaring at Hak.

"What? If I don't stop you , my ear drums would break. Or... You want more ?" He glanced at you teasingly.

"No way!" You blushed 100 shades of red before running into your bedroom and of course not forgetting to lock your door. Who knows what Hak would do if you left your door unlock after that incident.


"Wow... This is just amazing!" You exclaimed as you gazed upon the brightly shining stars. You were celebrating your first anniversary with your cute boyfriend , Kija.

Its been one year and you have not kissed your boyfriend. Just because your boyfriend is embarrassed and always run away as you want to kiss him.

Today. Today is the day. You are determined to do the deed. Not the one you are thinking you perverted people.

"It is indeed beautiful. But not as beautiful as someone." He spoke with a soft voice.

With that statement , an unknown feeling started to overwhelm you. Jealousy.

"And who is that may I ask?" You stared at him trying your best to not show any emotions.

"It is the one I love dearly ... You." After saying that , he kissed you , surprising you. You wanted to be the one to give your first kiss , not being the one getting stolen. But well it is fine by you anyways as you get to kiss your precious snowflake.


Here you were , in your room snuggled up in your bed while outside is pouring cats and dogs and cursing your mp3 for dying on you. Why you ask? Because you were scared of thunder and needed your mp3 to save you but well your mp3 decided to be a bitch and die on you. Just great.

You were waiting for your beloved cinnamon roll to come back home but seeing the rain outside , he won't be back for a while.

So what are you doing right now? Shivering in your warm nest and crying for your mp3 . You aint rich okay.

The sound you have been waiting for come , the door opening ! But of course the thunder decided to spoil everything and made you scream .

Footsteps were heard rushing towards your room.

"______!" The usually soft-spoken boy shouted as he entered your room.

"Shin-ah!" You jumped out of your bed and hugged your hero.

"Don't .... Worry .... I'm here..." He pats your head while speaking softly to comfort you.

" is raining ... How did you come home?" You asked while looking up to see your boyfriend's mask.

"You said were scared of... thunder... I rushed...back..." He pats your head one more time before getting tackled to the floor and his mask falling out(?) Of his face.

"You are the best!" You exclaimed and gave him a soft and quick kiss.

"Your reward!" You said pinching his cheeks. And the next few days , your precious boyfriend tried to avoid you as much as possible.


Are you serious? You can't even remember your first kiss. He have been trying to kiss you when you guys started dating.

And let's say that didn't end well.


Taking a bite of your (f/f)* Ice -cream, you moaned in pleasure (A/N Guys ... Just don't....) For the heavenly goodness of it. Your boyfriend , sitting opposite you , laughed a little and took a bite of his own ice -cream.

You two were on a casual date as you guys always go out on the weekends to enjoy .... Well.... life. You two decide to go to your favourite dessert shop and have ice -cream. Everything went well till...

"______ , you have ice -cream on your cheek." Zeno said while laughing.

"Oh? Where is it?" You took the tissue on the table to wipe it off.

"Here , I will help you." Zeno being ever so helpful , kiss you on the cheek , then your lips.

"W-what?" You stuttered not knowing what to say after your first kiss was stolen.

"I just wanted to see if the ice -cream is as sweet as you . But apparently not." He said then smiled brightly , continuing to eat his ice -cream while your cheeks were tinted with redness and you were trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Well I'm starting in a new school tomorrow.......yay.....not. I literally don't know a single person in the school except for one. And that one person is that person I'm not close to. Well great. A great start for a new year. Right? Well anyways , happy new year or to some of you happy Chinese new year 😏 you will know what am I talking about if you are from the same place as I come from.

Well hope you guys enjoy this.

*Favorite Flavour

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