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1000 or more years ago, the crystal empire was ruled by two deeply in love rulers. Their names are King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis. King Sombra was the king of the crystal ponies and Queen Chrysalis is the queen of the changlings. The crystal heart protected the empire from the ice cold storm of the north. Changlings feed and live of love, which was provided by the crystal ponies but the changling only take the remaining love so the crystal heart has enough power to hold back the storm. If the crystal heart were to get weak or brake the storm would take over the empire and would be lost. Then no one could live there. Together all of them lived in harmony, Queen Chrysalis saved her subjects and finally found a true love and king, King Sombra found his love and a queen so they could rule together. But where did it go all wrong?

The Transformation Of Queen Chrysalis Where stories live. Discover now