Am I Good Enough~ Sombra

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Sombra was talking to Chrysalis about how they could be better rulers and become stronger and have a better defence system.
"Sombra, we are the best rulers they could ask for and why do we need a better defence system and to be sronger" Chrysalis asked Sombra, while pricking up her cup of tea, which was decorated with purple flowers, with her magic. Then she sipped her tea then placed it back down on the saucer, which also had the same decorations on.

"Well what if the two sisters or the other rulers decided they want the crystal empire too. What if I'm not strong enough for our subjects? And ...", Sombra started to cry," And not good enough... enough for you". Chrysalis ran over to Sombra and hugged him tight and Chrysalis also cried,
"You are always good enough for me and OUR subjects". Sombra looked into her emerald, green eyes and smiled.

"I really am" Sombra said surprised

"Yes, my love, why wouldn't you be?" Chrysalis asked

"I guess you are right" Sombra replied

"Of course I'm right" Chrysalis said then laughed. Sombra broke the hug and looked at Chrysalis full of love,
"Alright my queen and love, let's have some apple tea in the royal garden. Your favourite place, the rose garden"

"That would be marvelous thank you. Ohh last thing where are the apples from?" Chrysalis asked

"The apples are from Everfree farm" Sombra said

"Okay, I will meet you out there" Chrysalis said sweetly, while swaying her hips as she walked away down the hallway and Sombra singled a crystal guard to follow her outside in the rose garden. Sombra and his personal guard were stood there alone. Sombra broke the silence.

"huhhhh, I need to find a way to protect my Chrysalis and my subjects",Sombra said to his personal guard, "Have you heard of anything that could make me stronger so I can protect the crystal empire, if the worse came to happen. You must of heard of something you have travelled all around Equestria. Please tell me, Francis"

"I know two things but ..." Francis began but Sombra shouted excitedly,
"Great where"

"But your majesty" Francis began again

"Tell me,if you don't you are putting everyone in this empire at risk, even your family. I want to protect every subject I have, Francis" Sombra said full of passion.

"But", Francis began once more, Sombra looked at him sternly, "Okay your majesty, go to the forest of Everfree, in the castle of the two sisters, in the west wing, you will see a very old door, which will lead you to the catacooms, there you will see a book on magic made by Starswirl the bearded and you will see a red amulet called the alicorn amulet. To get these items you must not be seen" Francis explained to Sombra

"Ok I shall go and join my queen, go and tell a maid to make apple tea will you" Sombra said
"Yes your majesty" Francis bowed his head and started to walk away then Sombra also said,
"Ohhh and Francis, Thank you" Francis smiled.

"This is why I am here" Francis replied and started to walk away.

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