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Okay! So before I begin this book I just want to say that I don't own the Yuri on ice (I wish I did) characters, neither do I own the Kiss him not me (again.. I wish I did).. characters.


Kae was about to reach home any minute now. She's been at school all day with her friends, but she hasn't been really focused on school ever since the first 'Yuri on ice' episode came out. All she has been thinking about it the INCREDIBLY BL relationship between Yuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov. Every single day since the episode came out she's been not paying attention in school, she's been daydreaming about them every single day. 

Kae opened the door "Okaachan! I'm home". Kae walked into the doorway and immediately took off her shoes and laid them next to her brothers'. "Aah! Welcome home Kae". Her mother smiled at her.  Kae slung her bag over her shoulder and walked over to the kitchen to grab herself a snack. All of her friends has something to do today so she was all by herself today. She didn't really care BECAUSE TODAY THE NEW EPISODE OF YURI ON ICE CAME OUT! As if on cue the the show came on on her Tv. She got very excited and started to sing the theme song.

Can you hear my heartbeat? Tired of feeling never enough

I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true

There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable

Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades, you set my heart on fire

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth We were born to make history

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around Yes, we were born to make history

Can you hear my heartbeat? I've got a feeling it's never too late

I close my eyes and see myself how my dreams will come true

There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable

Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades, you set my heart on fire

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth We were born to make history

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around Yes, we were born to make history

Kae screamed the last part which made her throat hurt. Oh well, it's all in the sake of YOI

-Time skip brought to you by Yuri's old cheeks-

"Oh my gosh! That episode was so good! Ugh, I wish I could be there watching as Yuri skates"! She let out a huff of disappointment because she knew that would never happen in her life. She watched as the end credits faded away. Kae was already done her homework so she had nothing to do. "Kae-chan!" she heard the voice of her mother yelling out from upstairs. "Yes mom"? She watched as her mom came downstairs with something behind her back. 

"Kae-chan, so you know how your birthday is coming up?", her mom asked with a smile threatening to appear. "Yeah.", she answered her mom with a confused tone of voice. "Well", her mom started. "I know how you like that show yoobe-" "Yuri". Kae interrupted. "Right, Yuri on ice! Soooo, I did a little searching, and I got youu!". Her mom made a trumpet noise with one hand as her mom revealed what's in her other hand. Kae stood in shock as she looked at the ticket to go Yuri skate. IN PERSON! Kae was at a loss of words, she couldn't even think properly. "Wellll." her mom said digging for a answer. Kae didn't even talk. She just gave her mother a hug full of passion and love. "You will have to start packing tonight since you're going in two days. Plus you can make a banner for when your favorite skater comes out!" Her mom was officially named the best mom in the world. Kae sprinted up the stairs yelling "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU"!

-The next day at the end of school-

"Heeeh!?" Nishina yelled out loud. "Yes! I'm going to go see Yuri in real life! Can you believe it!? I get to see Yuri and Viktor up close!"Kae yelled back. The girls kept screaming at eac hother about  it while the boys looked really confused on what's happening right now. "Kae-chan I really do hope you actually get to meet Yuri and Viktor!" Ninishina said. "Nahh, they have tons of fan girls. There's no chance that I'll get to meet them." Kae said with a sad smile.

"Kae-san", 4 voices said at the same time. Kae looked over to see the boys in a straight line. They all were smiling. Fake smiles obviously. They all were thinking about what IF Kae does actually meet Yuri and Viktor and doesn't want to come back to them?

"Have a nice trip." they all said in unison. Kae felt so happy that her friends encourages her to go see her idols. She gave the four boys a jumping hug. All of them blushed one blushed darker then the other. Kae let go and gave them a smile. "Why don't you guys see me off to the airport. I can get my things and we all meet there". They all nodded in agreement. "THEN IT'S FINAL! I'LL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!" Kae yelled while running frantically out of the door and out of the school all the way home.

- Time skip to the airport-

"Make sure you  have  everything you need before you go!" Igarashi warned. "Do you have enough money"? asked Shinomiya asked. "Call us if you need anything." both Nanashima and Ninishina said. "Have a safe trip Kae-san"  Mutsumi senpai said with a smile and a wave. Kae gave them all a last hug and ran off to the airport only to discover her flight is about to take off. She soon gotten on the plane and relaxed. She's never been out on her own before, especially this far from home. She has a map with her to make sure that she didn't get lost. Finally she get's to see her two favorite idols in real life instead of a TV screen.


Gahh I know this chapter is short. But shortly i'm going to update two more today because I'm feeling really creative today.

10043 words

Kiss Viktor Not me! ~Yuri On Ice - Kiss Him Not Me CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now