37 - Conspiracy + raven

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Life on the Ark still held a degree of normality after the Dropship went down, although the slightest bit of hope had been raised in you. Hope for the future, of you and the human race.

You were in your first year as a younger years teacher on the Ark, teaching a handful of children aged 6 and 7 on Mecha Station. You enjoyed it, but you definitely enjoyed your downtime more than any hours working mainly because that was when you got to see Raven Reyes. She was your closest school friend who lived in the same station as you, you have been close since your were teenagers but never really discussed extremely personal affairs. That changed after Finn got himself arrested, you needed to be there for her.

You asked her about it a couple of weeks later, when you still felt comfortable around her, "Do you know why he did it?" You mused more to yourself than to her.

"No idea." She had a bitterness in her voice that was masking her guilt, she finished her glass of the alcohol substitute, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Well you've done it before, what was it like? Come on spill the beans, you had been going on about it for months. Must have been annoying that Finn beat you to it." You had a grin on your face, the prospect of going outside excited and frightened you at the same time. You had wanted the comments to come across as lighthearted but somehow you felt like you had crossed the line immediately. Raven looked at you with sympathetic eyes, you had the feeling that she wanted to come across as warm for your sake but something was holding her back.

"I don't want to talk about it." She replied and that's when you really knew something was wrong. Before that had been all she had ever talked about, in your school days you would spend countless hours together in hallways just standing and watching space outside of windows. It was those moments when you had felt closests to the Latina women but you hadn't done that ritual in months.

You thought about it for a minute before reaching out across the table and gently taking her hand, it shaked slightly and was ice cold, which was strange as normally Raven was the complete opposite, "What happened? You can tell me... or not. I don't mind." You had a serious tone to your voice but smirked slightly at the end, trying to lighten the mood. Neither of you have really dealt with serious topics before, somehow before you were the most carefree friends on the Ark.

She squeezed your hand, she was debating telling you the truth. If it was her just her secret to bear then she wouldn't have thought twice about telling you, she just knew what you thought about Finn. You had never trusted him with Raven's happiness but then again who did approve of their best friend's boyfriend.

Despite this Raven trusted you and she wanted to be as close and honest with you as she did when you were both at school so she told you everything. The story of her illegal spacewalk poured out of her and you listened to every word, you could see how the weight was lifted off her shoulders as she spoke. But maybe that was due to you moving to sit beside her and putting an arm around her to hold her.

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