Leave Me Alone

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  "Goodnight Shorty"

  Levi stopped halfway through the door way.  He was conscious of his breaking. Inhale.  Exhale.  Time seemed to stop and each second seemed like an eternity.  Only one word came to his mind.  "Shit."

  He continued walking.  He wasn't sure if it was because he was tired, but he felt really weird.  His heart was racing, his hands were clammy, and he could barely think straight.  He eventually made it to his bedroom and collapsed in his bed.  He didn't sleep a wink that knight.

  "Levi, Breakfast!"

  He heard Commander Kohl call him, but in all honesty he didn't feel like eating.  However, he got up and joined the others for breakfast.  He grabbed a piece of bread and a hard boiled egg.

"That's all you're eating Captain?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Why can't you be more like Commander Hanji?"

  Levi froze.  

"I told you I'm not hungry."

"Whatever you say captain.  That Hanji is really something though, huh?"

  Levi felt weird.  He was angry, but he didn't know why.

"What that shitty glasses?"

"I don't know Captain, I mean have you seen her body?  And she is just so fucking weird; it's kind of a turn on.  I'd ask her out myself, but I'm afraid I'd be turned down, haha."

"Why don't you do it?  Why don't you just fucking do it?"

"Captain are you okay?  You seem a bit upset."

"I'm not fucking upset!"  Levi stood up a threw his tray off the table.  "I-I'm sorry."  He stormed away bumping into Hanji.

"Levi, you okay?"

"Leave me alone!"

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