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"What do you mean my request has been overridden?" Kaidan squeezed the back of his neck in aggravation, "my armor was sent here in pieces, I need some more!"

The scrawny assistant, who looked barely eighteen, grimaced and nudged the screen around so Kaidan could read the alert.

Alert code: 87320493
SPECTRE access - all further requests are to be forwarded to the
C-SEC requisition officer

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm only reading what's on my screen, would you like to speak to someone above me?"

"Why yes, that would be very helpful." He tried to remove the sarcastic bite from the words, but was only mildly successful.

The head of requisitions, a tall gruff looking man, stepped behind the desk a few minutes later.

"I'm sorry, major, but once we're told to hand off requisitions to another branch of the citadel, we're not supposed to fill any more requests. The brass don't like paying for gear that someone else is s'posed to cover."

Kaidan nodded in understanding, "I'm really not interested in the politics required to get my gear, I just want to remove that alert from my record. I no longer work with a SPECTRE, and I seriously doubt the council still wants to pay to keep me safe."

The officer leaned over his assistant and tapped a few keys on the console.

"Sorry, sir, I can't touch it. That alert came down from Councilor Udina's office, timestamp is from this morning."


Udina gestured languidly towards a chair, "can I get you a drink? No? Are you sure?"

Kaidan's eyes tightened in annoyance and the councilor inclined his head in defeat, "very well, your loss."

He settled into the oversized chair behind his desk and took a sip of amber liquid.

"I'll admit that alerting requisitions to your change in status may have been a little premature, but paperwork can take days sometimes. I was simply trying to speed everything along."

"My change in status? I haven't accepted the position yet. I didn't even KNOW about it until five minutes ago!"

"Of course you'll need a minute to think about it, but we can't afford to waste time. We are at war, major, the council needs the best minds in the galaxy at its defense."

"The best minds?" Kaidan laughed in disbelief, "my mind isn't even complete right now. I'm in no position to accept added responsibilities."

"The doctor informed me of your situation. I also know that she set you up for continued care even after you were discharged. Now that you've gained back a few of your old memories, she's very optimistic that you'll recover complete control. I'm all set to-"

The councilor paused, squinting patronizingly at his guest, "oh come now, major, don't look at me like that. There's no medical privacy in the military. You should know that by now."

Kaidan snorted, his teeth clenched in dislike. "I'm well aware of the rights I gave up when I joined the Alliance, I'm just not sure why YOU have access to it."

Udina brushed the question aside with a wave of his hand. "All above board I assure you."

He leaned forward, bracing against the desk, "but none of this is important right now. The Alliance needs you! Humanity has one SPECTRE, and she's galavanting around the galaxy. They all are. Our forces are spread thin, and no one is here to protect the council. Who do you think will be the primary target when the reapers arrive, or cerberus for that matter!"
He pounded his fist, rattling the ice in his empty glass.
"You have a duty, major! Everyone is looking to the council for guidance, our protection is of utmost importance. You can sit around bemoaning your injuries, or you can step up and do what you were trained to do!"

Silence hung in the room as Kaidan cautiously studied the politician. His initial dislike warred with the truth emanating from the man's mouth.

"I'll consider your offer, councilor."

"See that you do. I need an answer in the next twenty-four hours!"

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