3. Laura

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Laura jumped to her feet and made for the living room where Carmilla and the new arrival were talking. She got to the bedroom door before she remembered she was still naked. The realization prompted her to quickly push the door closed, spin on her heels and put on the first piece of clothing she could find. Another of Carmilla's kimonos as it turned out. As she rapidly got herself dressed the conversation between Carmilla and the stranger continued.

"Yes, Ms Laura Hollis? Daughter of Sherman and Amanda Hollis, current student at Silas University though what is current at that school is up for debate. Recently celebrated a twentieth birthday a month ago I believe."

The voice continued to have an easy air of confidence, the words came out clearly and precisely, the authority in them reminding her of a teacher taking control of a class or a doctor conversing down to a patient.

"Did you say an Imaging Satellite?"

"Re-tasked yes. Now please, Ms Hollis where is she? Is she somewhere around the premises? It is imperative I talk to the both of you."

In her rush Laura had conspired to somehow put the kimono on the wrong way twice before getting it right. Finally clothed and feeling slightly frazzled she pulled the bedroom door back open and walked with as much purposeful confidence as she could muster into the conversation.

Despite the new woman's attempts to control proceedings Carmilla was having none of it.

"Yeah I don't think so, this is the third time I've had to ask who you are and I have no idea what you're doing here. So unless you talk real fast or take that suit somewhere else real fast, things are going to get ugly. For you."

From her tone Laura could almost see the threatening sneer on Carmilla's face. Laura knew she would have to calm things down. Carmilla could be irascible when people interrupted their more intimate moments together.

"Madame Ms, Countess Karnstein please, I have told you who I am. Bolade Okoye happy to meet you. As for why I am here, I think it best to speak to the both of you at the same time about some urgent business." If this Bolade Okoye was intimidated nothing in her voice suggested it. It had now taken on the quality of a professional dealing with an unruly client.

"That name doesn't mean anything to me, like you said I don't know you. And the only urgent business right now is you-"

"It's ok Carm, I'm sure she's just a nice lady here for something important." Maybe, hopefully. "We can let her in."

Laura had arrived in the living room and could now see as well as hear the situation.

Over Carmilla's shoulders and outside the door stood a tall, black woman with a bald head and a customer service smile spread across her face. White teeth gleamed from that smile and Laura expected that had it been more genuine it would probably be dazzling. She wore a modest but immaculately maintained black blazer and trouser suit over a buttoned white shirt. In her right hand she held some kind of tablet. From her body language and the way Carmilla's left arm barred the open doorway Laura guessed she had tried at least once to smoothly enter the cottage but found herself resolutely blocked.

At Laura's words, green eyes found her and the smile became more genuine for having encountered someone who wasn't actively threatening her with bodily harm. She was right, much dazzle.

"Yes excellent. Thank you yes I can assure you both I am not here to cause harm. Quite the contrary I have an offer for you both."

Okoye looked expectantly at Carmilla who after sharing a look with Laura relented. She removed her hand barring the entrance and backed away slightly, the glare however, remained. Okoye met her hostility with a smile and came in. She found a chair situated at the living rooms small round dining table and sat down. She began to place her tablet on the table's white cloth cover but thought better of it as she noticed it was covered in coffee stains. Instead she kept it on her lap and looked up at the pair of them.

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