5. Carmilla

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Sometimes it could be difficult to discern exactly whose hand belonged to who after long periods of them intertwining. The short trip from Graz to Florence was one of those times. They would do it so sub-consciously that it were almost as if their hands had a romantic storyline of their own going on, unbeknownst to their owners. Had they fallen in love despite their immense differences as well? Suffered heartbreak and eventual reunion in the face of apocalyptic danger? Perhaps she'd ask them at some point, they were her hands, surely they would have to tell her.

Other than whatever their hands were saying to themselves they sat in contented silence for most of the hour long trip. Carmilla enjoyed the fact they could have those from time to time, she intended on spending a quite large percentage of the human life available to her with Laura and not even the great talker Laura Hollis herself could fill all of it with idle chat. Letting her right hand take care of the communicating she instead looked out at the stars.

She also used the time to think on their current situation.

She didn't trust Okoye, hell even Laura wasn't buying into everything she had said. They would have to be on their guard. She'd believed Okoye in regards to the Sarratum being in Florence, the failed auction, the thief Pisano. It all seemed legitimate, besides once they had gained an internet connection Laura immediately confirmed that a person claiming to be named Pisano had indeed contacted them through her latest video. No most of what Okoye had said was probably true, it was the last part Carmilla found herself doubting.

Whoever she worked for CIA, MI6, NSA she didn't keep up with all the ridiculous acronyms, Carmilla knew their styles regardless and none of them included giving up anything that would gain them power. Okoye had said she would destroy the Sarratum but if they had even an inkling of its power could she be trusted to carry that promise through? Before they had boarded the plane she'd brought up to Laura the possible scenario of having to destroy it themselves. Laura had looked grave at that, her exact nature may be unknown to them but Okoye clearly represented dangerous people who knew a great deal about them. Laura ultimately had agreed however, like Carmilla knew she would. Danger involved or not the young woman had never chosen a safer option over a morally right one yet.

At that thought she looked over at Laura, who lay slumped in her chair with her eyes closed half asleep. Her left hand clearly on as much autopilot as Carmilla's right. She had brought Laura into this, whatever this would turn out to be. The onus was on her to make sure things went smoothly, to stay one step ahead of any possible danger, to keep Laura safe. She knew Laura would be irritated by that line of thinking but it wasn't something she could help. Even now, months later every once and awhile her dreams would turn to the nightmare of those few minutes after Laura had died. Such a short time, immediately followed by the sheer joy of Laura's return but even for someone who had spent decades in a coffin buried underground she considered those few minutes the worst of her existence. She would never let that happen again, no matter what.

The plane began its descent as announced by the pilot over the PA and a stewardess coming over to ask them to buckle up.

"You know we don't usually have flights just from Graz to Florence, I think there must be someone special on the plane, maybe someone political or famous perhaps? Whatever it is, you guys really picked a great time to go." The uniformed lady whispered conspiratorially to them.

"Good timing I guess." Carmilla said, which she followed up with a amicable wink. Though inwardly she cursed at the implication of the power Okoye's people held. She really hoped Okoye was genuine in her desire to destroy the Sarratum.

Because destroyed it must be. Her Mother's toys were fun only to the person playing with them. She had thought herself rid of Mother's web of deception and suffering and bullshit forever but apparently some strands remained, still just as sticky despite no longer being a part of some grand design. It would all have to go, all be destroyed if she were to be free. She doubted she had ever felt happiness so complete as her last few months at that old cottage with Laura. She wouldn't let her Mother cast a shadow over that, whether it was from her physically or from a piece of her damned legacy.

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