His relationship with your girl bestie

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You wouldn't really call it a relationship since they know next to nothing about each other. They are so stiff and awkward, you always joke about who died whenever they're in a room together.

It's the kind of relationship that pisses the hell out of you. Mostly because the flirty human being that is Claudio that seriously has no idea when to stop, and partially because of your air-headed best friend that goes along with it.

They have a brother-sister relationship, mostly because your best friend actually is Fernando's younger sister. You know that they both have your back, and that one will support you if the other is unavailable.

She's basically the matchmaker that gave him the guts to actually ask you to be his girlfriend, dropping hints about you two all the time. Also, she helps him whenever he needs help with your relationship and puts an end to his cluelessness.

He hates her to death. She's always being a nasty hoe with him, and that's probably because she thinks that he's stealing you away, no matter how many times you tried to deny that. He hates her for being such an unsupportive person of your relationship, and wishes she'd just be happy for you.


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