Chapter 1:The Ehesti and the Canadian Rockies

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                               A strong scientific theory exists pertaining to the various races on earth. It suggests that earth was colonized centuries ago, from other planets. The distinct differences between the Chinese, Caucasian, Black and Indo races would seem to give credence to that theory, that the Chinese originated from one planet and the Indos from another etc. Not being able to time travel as yet, we are unable to go back in time, to prove or disprove the theory. Another form of humanoid life has been sharing this planet with us for centuries. They do not care to live openly as we do, but prefer to live in seclusion. We have come to know them as the ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN, SASQUATCH, BIGFOOT, YETI. Because of their ability to endure extreme temperatures, they have inhabited this planet longer than any of earth's humanoid species. If the [colonizing theory] is correct, than we obviously lost our connection with our mother planet eons ago. The EHESTI, as they prefer to be called, have never lost that connection to their mother planet. Even today, they travel back and forth from their home planet, BALENN, to earth as easily as we drive to the corner store. The EHESTI have developed the ability to control molecules. They can take the molecules from a tree or rock etc., and with concentration, change its form into something else. They can perform this same feat with the molecules of their own bodies. They have perfected that ability to such an extent that they use it to travel. By concentrating on the place they wish to be, and invoking this molecular power, they "transpose" or move themselves invisibly from one place to another. Unlike earthlings, all the EHESTI originated from the planet BALENN. Balenn is a semi-physical planet, not far from our solar system. Although Balenn is spherical, like Earth, that is about the only similarity it has to Earth. The EHESTI live inside their planet, as opposed to our living on the surface of Earth. Being only semi-physical, Balenn appears translucent, allowing light rays to pass right through the planet and on to the orbiting satellite spheres. The texture of matter on Balenn would seem unstable to us. The outer layer of their planet is the densest. To the human eye, most life forms have a crystalline like appearance on Balenn. Colors are visible in various shapes, but not distinct. As on Earth, all things are in motion. The motion is rapid enough to produce crystallized appearances, rather than physical form. When the EHESTI are at home in their planet, they do not use physical form. Their powers over molecular form allows them to take much smaller shapes, thereby allowing many more of them to live within the same planet. The Sasquatch forms. which they use when on Earth, have many advantages. They can stand extreme cold and heat. They have telescopic vision. Their size makes them unlikely prey to predators. In 1983, two of these Ehesti, named Beenan and Beem were in Balenn, discussing another trip to Earth. Both of them were in their mid-life timeframe [approx. 600 yrs. earth time]. They had traveled extensively in the first half of their lives, both through micro space and outwardly through physical space and beyond.

Although the Ehesti in their non-physical forms, can go for long periods of time without food, every now and than, they savor the memory of some past meal. When they allowed this memory to build, it motivates them to transpose to earth or some other planet, to feed. Beem and Beenan had just discussed food and they were ready to take on physical form again and return to Earth. Beenan went home to prepare, all the while thinking of the other enjoyable pastimes of Earth, such as observing humans. With their telescopic vision, Ehesti can watch many things that happen on Earth, providing the weather is accommodating. Beem's thoughts were on the succulent Mountain Avers plant, roots and all. That was his favorite food on the planet earth. He had been to Earth many times before and enjoyed each time immensely. Human encounters left a lot to be desired though. He did not trust humans at all. Beem went home to tell the others in his family of his pending trip. Beem's companion pre-cautioned him about human reactions. Although earthlings could not kill Beem, he would still feel the sting of the attempt. He could also be detained by humans, if they knew how to do it. He wished they could communicate better with earth people, but humans had learned to construct powerful mental blocks, completely blocking out any reception of telepathic communications from the Ehesti. The Ehesti people know of many other life form that do the same mental blocking, and just as effectively as earthlings. If the Ehesti want to communicate with these [ blockers] than they have to learn sounds, words and sentences, which is very time consuming. They had not bothered to try that yet with humans. They chose instead, to stay away from humans as much as possible. All is ready: Beenan was ready for his rendezvous with Beem, but first a quick" pass through" with his companions. [ As humans hug one another to show affection, the Ehesti, being able to alter molecules, become semi-physical, and mingle their molecules together as one, forming the symbols of their family group.] They than disperse back into their own chosen forms and go about their business.

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