ღ two

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callmesav: chill

bigbootybot56 left the conversation

callmesav: ah hell nah

callmesav added bigbootyboy56

bigbootyboy56: read at 2:48 p.m.

✧ ➤ ✧✧ ☻✧✧ ♡


callmesav: sup babe

bigbootyboy56: damn u again

callmesav: i wanna know ur name mine is savannah but ppl call me sav

callmesav: hence the username

bigbootyboy56: my name isn't in my user for a reason, i don't want ppl to kno it

callmesav: just tell me i have no friends aka no one to tell

bigbootyboy56: agl

callmesav: fuckboy

bigbootyboy56: no just need to kno bc of privacy reasons

callmesav: 19, female, las vegas

bigbootyboy56: 22, male :)

callmesav: why no location?? u think i'm a stalker

bigbootyboy56: i travel too much to have 1 location

callmesav: cant u pls just tell me ur name

bigbootyboy56: if we are still talking in 1 month on good terms, I'll tell u my name

callmesav: ok. one month.

bigbootyboy56: so r u still in school?

callmesav: no im taking a break. u?

bigbootyboy56: haven't been in school since i was 18

callmesav: do u have a job

bigbootyboy56: yea ig u can say that

callmesav: i work at practically work at mcdonald's lmao wbu

bigbootyboy56: im in a band

callmesav: oh shit can u get me tickets

bigbootyboy56: no we aren't big

callmesav: oh, send me a selfie !!! i'll send one too

callmesav: image attached;

bigbootyboy56: ur very pretty

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bigbootyboy56: ur very pretty

callmesav: send a selfie!!!!!!

bigbootyboy56: no

callmesav: YES

bigbootyboy56: fine

bigbootyboy56: image attached;

bigbootyboy56: image attached;

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callmesav: fuck you

bigbootyboy56: when & where ;)

callmesav: *read at 9:04 p.m.*

bigbootyboy56: that's 👏🏻 my 👏🏻 thing 👏🏻

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