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Mia's POV
I nod my head and fake smile. To be honest I didn't want to do anything. Staying at home with Chris would make my last memories the best of all.

I walk off without explanation and pace into my bedroom. I pick up my phone and look down at it. "Shit." I whisper under my breath. I was getting the messages again. This time there was even more. The numbers were telling me about my looks and how I 'behave'. I continue looking through them and feel and tear drop down my face.

The door opens suddenly and I slam my phone facing downwards on the bedside table. I wipe away the tears. "What's up?" I ask. "Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner" Chris says. "Well I feel pretty sick so I think I'll just stay here and order something in." "we will stay back too then if you're sick then I don't want you to be alone" Chris smiles. "No no! It's fine, go out! I want you guys to have some time together" I mutter. "Bub, are you sure?" Chris says. "Yes! Of course! Please, I really don't mind" I I grin while fighting back tears.

Chris walks out of the room and I go up to the door and lock it. I rest my back against the door and slide down. I bury my face into my knees and wrap my arms around my head. I here my phone vibrating even more rapidly.

I go over to it and can't help but read through the messages once again. Every single text was a different insult, all of them were so painful to read.

There were so many photos of Eliza and or I nude. I didn't even realise Alex made me take so many. I remember when I used to live with Alex, whenever I had a shower he made me take photos. I guess that's why there are so many.

I was embarrassed

Seeing yourself like that and have that being sent to you from a total stranger makes me want to give up on everything.

I curl up into a ball on my bed and cry. Crying was a normal thing for me now and almost a daily routine. I hate crying but I feel like it's the only way that I can show emotions without having a break down.

"We are going to head off now" I here Chris shout from the kitchen. "Ok, stay out as long as you want" I shout back. "Ok but we won't stay out too late. Love you bub, bye" Chris says as him and the boys walk out of the house. I felt so insecure when the boys go out but I just needed time for myself.

I grab my laptop and go onto YouTube. I go through my subscriptions to see what my favourite youtubers have posted. I don't see anything that really interests me so I search 'tana mongeau' I click on her recent video and it cheers me up straight away.
I click out of the video once it finishes and I was about to watch another one of her videos but instead I see a video by 'In Stereo'. I click on it and see that the boys had a YouTube channel. How did I not know about this amazing creation.
They had so many videos and I watch every single one of them. I find myself laughing so hard at all the things they say and do.


More. God. Damn. Messages.

They start to come through on my laptop and pile up. With iMessages on laptops if you get multiple messages at once then they create columns. I was getting at least 100 messages per second so I had 100 messages all over my screen.

There was no way to stop it because I couldn't get into anything. It was breaking my laptop.

I try to watch YouTube on my phone but keep getting the texts. I am forced to read them while the video is playing.

I turn on the tv but all I could here was pinging. I put my phone on silent but then my phone was vibrating and it was still creating a sound. It was vibrating so much that it fell off of my bedside table.

I'm so done with all of this
Waddup fam. It's Eli cuming at chu wit anduer chapta. Hope da homies be chill. But fo real doe. I'm going on holiday for a week so idrk what that means. Sometimes when I go on holidays it means that I'm going to update every single second. But other times I've gone on holiday I've not updated once. I will 100% update while I'm on the planes though so get ready. Hope fully I'll have about 4 chapters for you. Love y'all <3

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