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Aqua again yawned. She was in a room now, dark and cold. She had a thin blanket wrapped around her, and she was in an uncomfortable bed. The only other thing in there was a small glass of water. She drank. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was. The water filled Aqua with energy, and she started walking quickly around. Her large turquoise eyes took in her surroundings in more detail. She was in a hospital room, and there was a heater in there, turned off. She looked for the panel. It was under the bed. She turned it to 70 degrees and felt the room warm up. Now she wanted a light switch and she would be happy. She walked in one direction until she hit the wall. Keeping her hands out, she inched across the wall until she felt something that a corner or a wall. "A light switch! Yes!" Aqua flipped it on. Hum, then whir. The lights flickered on. "Good job. You have turned on the room's functions," said an icy cold female voice throughout the room. "Who... who are you?" "My name is none of your concern. Yours, from now on, is Experiment 5291." "Ummmm... no, my name is Aqua." "YOUR NAME IS AND WILL BE EXPERIMENT 5291 AND DENIAL WILL NOT CHANGE A THING!!!!" She had appeared to compose herself, because she talked more calmly. "555, please take her to EX 1. If she is alive after, take her to Level 1." "Hey, that hurts!" Aqua yelled. She got dragged into a blinding white room, with all the stuff in your average middle school gym- though Aqua had a slight feeling that needles are usually not in gyms. Especially needles with what looked like some mind altering liquid in them.

Experiment 5291Where stories live. Discover now