Aqua didn't care how much she got hurt in the process of getting out without that liquid touch her, but she would get out. The one problem with that was someone had let loose a creature, for lack of a better word. It looked vaguely humanoid, but it had this reddish stuff all over its body. And fangs.

That's when Aqua started running. While she was running, she discovered that this was no ordinary gym. There were lava pits, several ropes with cobras on them, tigers springing out at random intervals, and on top of that, the floor was made of ice. All in all, she was not dying because she, for some reason, had managed to find and put on ice skates. And because she was a good gymnast. She saw another girl running the same course but the other girl was seeming to float above the ground. Aqua waited for her to catch up. The beast thing could wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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