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Robin: So anybody have something important going on...?

KF: No , why?

Aqualad: I am on my way to Atlantis ,  goodbye for now friends.

Superboy: Hanging out with Wolf.

Miss M: I'm baking cookies!

Artimis: I'm just walking home from school , why you asking?

Robin: Um...no reason. Megan , how about those cookies?

Artimis: AAAAHHH!!! Shoot!!!! I just got attacked by a marching band!!

Superboy: Is that normal..?

KF: Not in the slightest but sounds pretty funny. Wish I could see it...

Robin: Thanks for letting me know KF........These cookies are great Megan!

Artimis: AAAAHHH!!!! Now they are video taping it!! Is that , no!? They are chanting my name!! People are watching!!

KF: That includes me. This is hilarious!!! OOo OOo , it was just put on the news!!!

Artimis: Someone dressed as a hotdog came up to me with an envelope......I. Hate. You.

KF: I didn't do anything though!

Artimis: Not you Baywatch!!! Robin!!!

Robin: Sorry , looks like Batman needs me in the Batcave. Sounds like I'll be back after....hmm.....Artimis gets traught.

Artimis: OH NO YOU DONT!!! Dang it!!!! There are too many!!!!

KF: They are singing Happy Birthday. It's your birthday!?

Artimis: .....yes.....

Miss M: Happy Birthday!!

(ON THAT NOTE......I just wanted to have some fun and put some weird stuff in a book. Hope you human beings enjoyed....AND non-human beings...AND half human beings.)

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