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KF.- Okay, I have a grade A problem for you guys

A.- I swear kid, if this is dumb...

KF.- You'll what?? Kill me? Ha, I'm already dead inside

R.- Think again

KF.- Sorry, Rob is dead inside

R.- Anyways, continue...

KF.- For school, I was randomly chosen to volunteer (I actually think Uncle Barry volunteered me) to over the weekend babysit some kids and teach them simple science.

R.- Was definitely Barry

KF.- Turns out, it wasn't just science but music and art too. Uncle Barry somehow signed me up for the art one instead of the science one.

M.- I'm so sorry you had to do that, but was it fun?

KF.- That's the thing Miss M. I was okay at first then this little girl called Kyile put some paper infront of me and told me to do her drawing for her

KF.- Me being me, told her she had to do it herself but then she pushed the paper at me and threw a crayon at me and demanded I did it

A.- Sometimes little kids are the worst

R.- Yeah

M.- But I think they are so cute!!

A.- Trust me, once you spend over an hour with them you'll be done

R.- I'd be surprised if you would last any longer

M.- It's that bad?

R.- Yes

A.- Yes.

KF- I said no, trying to stand up for myself then she threatened that she would cry and say I hit her if I didnt do it

A.- So you basically got bullied by a little girl

R.- Was the drawing nice?

KF.- I drew the picture and she snatched the paper out of my hands and put her name on it. And she turned it in to the teacher I swear I glared holes right through her paper.

KF.- If I run into a Kyile ever again I might go awol

M.- You'll go what?

A.- He basically means insane

M.- Oh, okay

R.- And the mora...

KF.- And the moral of the story is don't let Uncle Barry sign you up for stuff without letting you know first

KF.- Wow, Robin, our best friend telepathy has gotten better

R.- Oh yeah it has *hign fives KF*

KF.- *high fives Rob back*

A.- You guys are actual nerds

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AL.- I've been gone for ten minutes and I have 34 messages on my phone

R.- Your welcome

AL.- Buf I didn't...

KF.- Yes

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