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(A/N: picture of a bedroom is up there)

I got there at 4pm and I was jet lagged as a motherfucker to be honest. ''have a nice day Mrs. Goossens.'' Said the girl who was giving me the alcohol on a fucking plane. Which was a not good idea because as soon as the sun and the hotness hit me... I will be a hot mess. ''thank you. Goodbye.'' I exited the plane. I was walking through the hall to the back of a parking lot. I was greeted by Justin's employee who said he will be taking me back to the house.

I have to say I am a little bit tipsy by now and I am honestly a little bit scared to see Justin. The ride was long and my tipsiness was quickly gone. ''we are here'' the driver yelled for me to hear. He gave me my stuff and here I was. Standing in front of a big house. ''okay here we go'' I exhaled the warm air and went to the front doors. ''hello Mrs. Goossens, Mr. Bieber is at the pool currently and he is expecting you. Would you like to see him first or you want to see where you will be staying for the next month?'' she said and my eyes went wide. ''wait we are staying here for a month? No one informed me about that'' I said while looking around the house. ''I would like to take things to my room first.'' I said to her and grabbed my suitcases. ''oh no you don't need to carry this all by yourself.'' She politely said to me but I refused any help. ''ohh no I got this'' I said packing things in my arms. ''as you wish Mrs. Goossens'' she said and showed me to follow her. ''Just call me Amelia please'' I informed her and dragged my stuff up the stairs.

We went through the big hall and at the end of the hall was my room. ''do you need anything else?'' she asked before leaving me alone in a big room. ''no I don't thank you'' I smiled at her and she left. I looked around the room and it was beautiful. I had a big bed with a balcony. My room even had a fireplace. I went to the balcony to get some fresh air and the view was just incredible. I have never seen more beautiful room. I was woken up from my thoughts a soon as I remembered that I have to say hi to Justin.

I ran downstairs through the big ass glass doors revealing the beautiful view on a big pool with hot tubs and a big chilling area. ''Hi there'' I smiled at Justin while walking towards him. He was like a Greek god. ''Amelia. You are here'' he yelled in excitement hopping out of the pool. ''give your daddy a big hug baby girl'' he said going for a hug. ''uhmm no thanks. You are wet'' I stated backing off. ''ohh you don't want to be wet? I can assure you, you will be wet later in my room'' he winked at me and pulled me in his bare chest. ''Justin fuck off'' I smiled and pushed him back. ''why don't you dress in something more appropriate huh?'' he made a perverted smile. ''what do you mean?'' I asked him still standing there with my hands crossed. ''I am thinking about swimwear'' he licked his lips and looked me from my head to toe. Basically checking me out. ''maybe later because I am jet lagged so I am going to lay down here'' I said to him walking towards the chilling area and make myself comfortable on the big sofa. ''oh come on you are no fun'' he whined walking to my direction.

''just give me an hour okay?'' I whined back which made him laugh. ''then I'm gonna chill with you babe'' he winked and got on top of me. ''okay this is not chillin hoe. Get off of me'' I yelled through laughing. ''but I want to cuddle. Won't you cuddle with your daddy?'' he stated giving me the puppy eyes. ''you are so disgusting'' I stated pushing him off. ''yeah but you like it don't you?'' he smiled getting closer to me. ''seriously Justin go chill there'' I showed on a free sofa. ''but I wanna be close to you baby girl'' he put his head on my chest. ''You need to stop with this attitude. I am your personal assistant man'' I pushed him away. Again. ''you don't love me? But I love you Amelia.'' he made the puppy eyes again. ''don't bullshit'' a small laugh escaped my mouth as I was turning around so he is faced with my back now.

''god damn your ass is making my dick hard'' he whispered in his sexy husky voice right in to my ear while placing kisses on my neck. ''

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