~3 / Kim Namjoon

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Foreign Territory - Kim Namjoon / Rap Monster

You've always wanted to go to South Korea...

Until now.

You were going to visit you aunt in Goyang city, but you had no idea how to get there. Right now you were at the airport in Seoul, desperately trying to ask people how to get to Goyang, but everyone seemed either to be too busy, or just not willing to help. After wandering through the airport for what seemed like ages you stumbled upon a (handsome) blond haired guy with sunglasses and a funny sweater. This was it! Your last hope! You decided to approach him and ask for help.

"Hello! I -uhm- Goyang city - don't know route - help me?" You stumbled in the broken Korean that you'd learned from your mum when you were young.

"Goyang huh? That's where I'm from! Come, I'll show you how you get there!" He answered in fluent English,

"Thank you so much! Sorry for my Korean, I'm not from here. My mum is Korean, but my dad isn't."

"It's okay, I figured that out. Your Korean sounds kinda cute though."

You felt your cheeks getting red. The guy stood up and walked away. You quickly followed him.

"My name is Namjoon by the way. What brings you to Goyang?"

"I'm ______. Well, as I said, my mum is Korean. Her sister, so my aunt, normally visits us once per year. Since I'm old enough now according to my mum, I decided to surprise her and visit her today. Plus I've always wanted to go to South Korea."

"Ah that's nice of you!"

You didn't really know what to respond to this so you just remained silent. After five minutes of walking you both stopped at a train station.

"Well here you go! The next train to Goyang leaves in about an hour."

You grunted at the fact that you had to wait even longer to get to your aunt. You had already been here for almost two hours!

"Thank you so much. I guess I'll just wait here then."

"I could keep you company if you want to! I don't have to be somewhere anyway."

"Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind, but would you really like to spend another hour here with me?"

"Yeah why not? You're a nice person so I really wouldn't mind."

"Thank you! But could we go and get some food somewhere around here? I kind of got hungry after waiting for so long..."

"Yeah sure! To be honest, I'm kind of hungry as well."

You both got some food from a local food store and ate it on a bench at the station. You guys talked about stuff like what you do for a living, the culture in your home countries and so on. You soon discovered that Namjoon was an underground rapper and that he was at the airport to get some inspiration for song lyrics. He even showed you one of his songs! After a while you were interrupted by a woman that announced that the train to Goyang city would arrive in two minutes.

"Ah that would be your train!"

You quickly grabbed all of your stuff and Namjoon helped you with carrying. Without you realising it, he slipped a piece of paper into one of your bags. When the train arrived you quickly got on and just before the doors closed you yelled your goodbye at him.

"Bye Namjoon! Thanks for everything! I hope I will see you again someday!"

"Anytime ______!" He yelled back.

When the train set off you waved at him one last time and sat down. You realised that one of your bags was open and you wanted to check if something fell out. To your surprise you found a piece of paper with a number on it. Presumably a phone number. You flipped it over, only to see a message.

Hello ______,
Enjoy your stay in South Korea, I hope we will meet again soon!

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