~8 / Kim Taehyung

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Movie Night - Kim Taehyung / V

ft. Min Yoongi
(Spin-off story to '~6 / Jung Hoseok, Roller Coasters and Cotton Candy')

When the park closed, you immediately left with Taehyung, Yoongi and your friend. You seemed to notice that your friend and Yoongi were constantly looking at each other. Cute.

You felt a bit bad for leaving your other friend in the park, but she'd be fine, right? Besides, she had that Hoseok dude by her side and he seems nice, so there's nothing to worry about... Right?

Oh god, what if he was some kind of creepy abusive stalker? What if she was in big trouble right now?! What if she-

"______, are you alright? You look kind of pale," Taehyung stated.

"Yeah, Taehyung is right, you do look a bit pale!"

"Oh, I- uhm- I'm just kind of nauseous due to the ride... I guess?"

"Oh okay," Taehyung said, but you could see from his face that he wasn't sure if he had to believe you.

"Guys? I live in this building, so I guess I'm going..." Your friend said after a while.

"Really? I live here too!" Yoongi said, a bit too happily.

You said your goodbyes to each other and when they had gone inside, Taehyung and you continued your way home.


"Yeah?" Taehyung stopped walking, so you did the same.

"You don't have to worry about your friend. Trust me, I've known Hoseok for years and that guy won't even hurt a fly, let alone a girl. She is in good hands."

"H-How did you know?" You asked.

"Your cheeks went from pale to red." He said as he playfully poked your cheeks.

"Just like now!" He added, which made you cover your face with your hands.

"Haha I'm just kidding!" He said with a wink.

"Ugh Taehyung!"

"Yeah?" He said with a singing voice.

"I- Nevermind..."

He raised his eyebrow, but you just decided to ignore his face, since it'd only make you blush more.

"What are you going to do tonight? You told your friend that you had to leave early." He asked.

"I am going to the cinema to see [insert horror movie here]. Originally, I planned on going there with my brother, but he has the flu, so I guess I'm going on my own... What are you going to do?"

"I haven't planned anything, so I guess I'm just staying at home."

"I still have a ticket left, mind going with me?"

Wow, smooth ______! I'm proud!

"Well, if you don't mind?"

"Of course I don't, otherwise I wouldn't have asked."

"Yeah that's true..." He nervously answered.

Hah! Now it's your time to get nervous!

"Maybe we can eat or drink something at my place before we go, I'm kind of hungry..." You suggested.

"Yeah me too..." He answered and you continued your way home.


You had ordered some pizza and now you were sitting next to each other on your couch.

"Do you want something to drink?" You asked.


"What do you want?"

"Water is fine."

You went to the kitchen and came back with two glasses of water. You placed them on the table and sat down on the spot where you sat down on earlier. You ate your pizza and drank your water. When you were finished you put on a coat, since it got cold outside. After that you both headed for the cinema.


The film was about to start and you got a bit nervous, because normally you don't watch horror movies. Your brother insisted on going to this movie with you and now he isn't even here. Thanks a lot.

"______, you alright?"

"I guess so..."

"Don't worry, I'm here if it gets scary."

The film started and you thought it turned out better than expected. To you, it wasn't that scary and the jump scares weren't that extreme. Taehyung on the other hand looked like he was shitting bricks. The poor guy hid himself behind his hands for 75% of the movie. When the movie ended, you saw that he felt relieved that he was still alive.

"Tae, are you alright?" You asked when you stood outside the cinema.

"Tae? And yeah I'm alright! The film wasn't scary at all!"

"Yeah, Tae sounds cute. It suits you. And, do you think I believe that! You were frightened to death!"

"Does that mean that you think I'm cute?" He asked with a wink.

"In a way..."

"So that means yes?"

"If it makes you sleep better at night, then yeah."

"Yay!" He exclaimed with a bright smile on his face.

"But we better get going, it's already really late." He later said.

"True," You said and you walked home with him.


After fifteen minutes you arrived at your place. It was almost midnight.

"Hey, I had fun!" You said.

"Me too, thanks for bringing me with you."

"No problem. I really appreciate the fact that you put up with me for the entire evening." He chuckled.

"Haha, no problem. You were really fun to be with!"

"Thanks... Wait a second, you changed the subject when we were talking about how terrified you were and I didn't even realise!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, ______." He playfully said.

"Sureeee... I think I got to go. I have to work tomorrow..." You said with sadness.

"Well, it has been fun. I hope that I see you around later." He said as he gently kissed you on the cheek.

"Bye bye ______!" He exclaimed.

"Bye bye Tae!" You said and you went inside.

You quickly took a shower and changed yourself. You lay down in your bed and thought about tonight.

Out of all things possible, I didn't think that I would ever end up going to the movies with a guy who is more terrified than I.

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