We All Fall Down Part 5

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The three of them ran back down the hallway and turned towards one of the exits that let out into the center of the school. As they burst through the doors into the sunlight they realized that it was pandemonium outside as well. Students were running, screaming in all directions. Other students were attacking them, tearing at their flesh. The only teacher they could see was walking in circles, muttering to himself. Within a moment he was attacked by two students and he went down underneath them.

"They're zombies," said John unbelievingly.

"Why are they so fast?" asked Dan.

"We have to move, we're sitting ducks here, let's get to the parking lot," said Rachael.

"What about Erin?" demanded John.

"I don't see her or any of her classmates. Maybe their teacher got them somewhere safe. Come on! Let's head to the parking lot, maybe they're there," said Rachael.

It was as good a place to look as any. Rachael was expecting to get attacked by one of the zombie students any second. They rushed together towards the front of the school. A girl from John's class who Rachael recognized but couldn't remember her name was standing in the middle of the sidewalk in front of them screaming. She was looking at another girl laying unmoving on the ground, with a zombie eating on her. The zombie stopped suddenly and turned towards the girl who was screaming. It jumped towards her just as Rachael, John and Dan got to her.

John tackled the zombie just after it hit the girl. The two of them rolled to a stop with the zombie now focused on John. John was on top of it, pinning its shoulders to the ground. It was straining against John, gnashing and trying to bite him. Rachael kicked it in the side of the head, then again, and then stomped it. She was wearing combat style boots because they were all the rage at her school and it turned out they were just the thing for stomping in zombie heads. She stomped on its head again and felt its forehead crush under her foot. She stomped it again and felt the disgusting sensation of her boot squashing brains. The zombie shook violently for a second and then lay still. Rachael stomped it two more times for good measure, then helped John to his feet. They turned and looked for Dan.

He was kneeling next to the girl from John's class, her head in his lap. She wasn't moving. Rachael could see that the zombie had managed to tear part of her throat away before John tackled him.

"Dan, get away from her, now!" shouted Rachael.

Dan looked confused, then looked down at the girl in time to see her eyes pop open. Dan yelled and pushed her head off his lap, then scrambled backwards. The girl started to look around but Rachael kicked her in the head before she could decide which one of them to attack. She heard a sickening crack sound. She helped Dan to his feet and the three of them backed away from the girl. The girl sat up but her neck was broken and so her head flopped forward. She couldn't see them.

"Move!" she told her brothers.

They turned and ran towards the parking lot. As they got close they could see that it was even more of a mess than the common area had been. A lot of students were trying to leave in their cars and a lot of parents had come to the school to get their kids. The parking lot was jammed full, so was the drop off road, no cars were moving. Horns and screaming filled the air. They didn't have a car here. Rachael was supposed to take her driving test next week after she turned sixteen.

A full size truck close to them suddenly jerked forward and slammed into the car in front of it. It backed up and hit it again, pushing it into the car in front of it. This created enough room for the truck to drive up on the sidewalk. The driver gunned it and the truck jumped the curb. A student running towards the parking lot was immediately hit by the truck. The big pickup knocked the student down and ran right over the top of him. Rachael turned her head away before she saw the truck crush him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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