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Jessica had been home for 2 weeks. She was doing a lot better. She went to the gym every other day, kept a healthy diet, went to doctor appointments, took her medicine, spent lots of time with the kids, and got back to breastfeeding. The first week was hard. Jessica was detoxing from all of her medicine. She had headaches, food cravings, bloating, and stomach pains. It was like she was still pregnant. She was still a bit irritable. Sam helped her and worked out with her. They were spending time together and sleeping in the same bed again. Dorthy and Ann went back home. It was just the four of them again. They were all healing and moving on. Even though Jessica still had symptoms of PPD, they weren't that bad.
"Jess, are you ready to go to the gym?"
"I don't know, I am tired." Sam walks over to Jessica who was sitting in bed with Camden.
"Wow, I just want to eat little buggy up, he is so cute." Sam goes to blow on his stomach but Jessica puts her hand up.
"He is napping. I don't want to risk him getting up."
"Oh, my bad. How are you feeling today, did you take your medicine?"
"I am fine, just tired. Do we have to go to the gym today?"
"Not if you don't want to." Sam smiles giving Jessica a kiss.

"Oh shit! Camden and I have a 8 week checkup today! Crap we need to go."
"I will get the diaper bag and your purse, you get the baby." Sam says running in the door.
Jessica laughs than looks at Camden who is soft asleep. "You must think we are all crazy little buggy, huh?"
"Okay, I am going to do a eight week exam Jessica. Make sure that everything is okay down there, and see if you can be cleared for intercourse." The nurse helps lift up Jessica's legs. Sam sits in the chair next to Jessica holding her hand and the baby.
"When was the last time you changed?"
"About an hour."
"Okay. It seems like your bleeding very little. You should get back onto a regular cycle next month. That's good." The nurse smiles putting Jessica's legs back down. She than lifted up her shirt and felt for any swelling.
"Any pain?"
"Well you are cleared for intercourse. I will warn you it is different for many women, some want it, some don't. It will be a bit uncomfortable. Lube will be your best friend."
"Oh okay, thank you." Jessica laughs siting up. Jessica opens her arms and Sam hands her the baby.
"Looks like your little guy is doing good too. He has grown so much."
"He has." Sam says smiling.
"How are things going Jessica?"
"Better, just glad to be home." Jessica smiles.
"Well you are all cleared to go."
"Thank you." Jessica says smiling. As they walk out of the room Sam grabs Jessica's put.
"Gosh Sam." Jessica giggles.
"Kennedy, you need to do your homework."
Jessica says while she starts dinner.
"One more episode, please." Kennedy says from the living room.
"Turn it off Ken. Come on your dad will help you with math."
"He is with Camden upstairs."
"Work on what you can do."
"Fine." Kennedy gets her book bag and sits on the island chair and does her homework.
"Thank you." Jessica smiles.
"Do you know your math facts?" Kennedy ask
"Yep! What is the problem."
"Nine times 9."
"Use the finger trick. 81." Jessica smiles
"Jessica!" Sam yells from upstairs.
"Ugh." Kennedy says rolling her eyes.
"One second Ken." Jessica runs upstairs.
"What's going on?" Sam held Camden as he screamed loudly.
"He keeps throwing up, and coughing. I tried to lay him down but he just cries even more."
Sam handed Jessica the baby.
"I will try to feed him."
"No don't, he can choke if he throws up.
I think we should call the doctor. He is refusing to eat."
"Okay." Jessica says softly. She rocks Camden in the chair and rubs his head.
"My god Sam, feel him. He is burning up."
"I will get his stuff ready and we will head to the ER." Sam runs out of the room and Jessica holds Camden.
"It's gonna be okay baby boy."
Jessica, Sam, and Kennedy waited in the ER. When they were finally able to be taken care of the doctor ran test and tried to figure out what was wrong. Jessica was so scared. She had never seen a baby so sick before. She didn't know if it was a flu, or her maybe her milk.
After a few hours the doctor had come back with results.
"Okay, it looks like Camden has gastroesophageal reflux." The doctor says.
"What is that? Will he be okay?" Jessica says holding him.
"It is also known as GERD. It's very common for newborns. It's when food backs up into the baby's stomach causing heartburn, stomach pains, and throwing up. Your baby will tend not to want to eat because it's painful. It is something that will go away. He will be just fine. We will send you home with some medicine."
"Thank god he will be okay. Poor little thing." Sam says kissing Jessica's head.
"How did he get this?"
"It is something that just happens. Has he been arching his body when he eats?"
"A bit. Is that bad?"
"It's a symptom. Your baby will lift up his head because his stomach is painful. Fluids build up in his stomach. Laying down makes things worse. How you are holding him right now is perfect, he is probably relived right now."
"Aww. I feel so bad that he is in pain." Kennedy says rubbing his back.
"Give him this pain relief and make sure he is well rested and not arching when he eats."
"Okay, sounds good. Thank you." Sam says shaking the doctors hand.
Jessica and Sam were up most of the night. Camden's medicine wasn't kicking in yet and he was still experiencing pain. Jessica walked around the room holding him. Camden had finally feel asleep in her arms.
"Jess, bring him on the bed. You need to rest your legs from pacing around the room."
"No, last time I did that he woke up."
Sam smiled.
Sam pulled out his phone and took a picture. Jessica smiled quickly.
"Why did you take a picture?"
"Look, it's a great one."
"Oh gosh, he is up!" Jessica looks over and sees him moving his head.
"Yea, but look at his face. I think he is finally calming down. Maybe the meds are kicking in."
"Besides you looked stunning as always."
Jessica smiles and kisses Sam.
"I love you. "

Fun fact - I had GERD and grew out of it after the age of 6. Thankfully. What do you guys think? Comment what you want to see happen... I need some ideas .

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