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Chilling and Mewtwo

Mewtwo POV🎭

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard screaming and someone hitting me with a stick "What the hell!?" I said "WHO ARE YOU!?" said the Lucario "Im Mewtwo and would tou stop hitting me!?" "Oh, sorry" "WHERE THE HELL IS MY STICK!?" Braixen screeched "Oh, sorry about that too." The Lucario said sheepishly, she snatched from him and hissed while I laughed and she glared at me, I stopped when the Zoroark started screaming too until Braixen shouted "SHUT UP!!!" and it was effective. "Zoro, Lu, this is Mewtwo, he is a good friend so treat him like one." They nodded and smiled and I did too. "So." Braixen started "I stealed a souvenir from the lab, wanna try it?" "Wait what lab.?" Asked Lucario "Oh...shi-" "Thats where I came from!" I interrupted, she looked at me like saying 'thank you' "Yeah! I was on my normal routine by jumping on trees and found him!" They seemed to believe it all "So this thing is an mp3 player with radio where you guys can listen to music!" "Oh my Arceus! Thats awesome!" Lucario said, Braixen started the device and saw a HUGE list of songs, "Firestone...?" Braixen murmured, she clicked on the screen and music started to fill the air

Kygo - Firestone

It was a relaxing yet cheerful music, I loved it! Then she chose something more electrifying.

Go Stupid - Cranksters

"WOOOOOHHOOOOOO!!!" Shouted Zoroark "HOLY MOLY!!" Shouted Lucario "THIS IS MY JAM!!" Now Braixen while I just closed my eyes smiling and moving my head with the music.


We just talked and listened to music all day some time we danced but I was too shy to try, but Braixen made me and it was fun! Now Im in my new bed
thinking about today and how I made new friends and how they care about me.


Lucario POV🔮

We all woke up prepared for our new aventure, what aventure you ask? Finding a new bigger home so we can all be more comfy. Now that I think about it... Its been a while since I last talked to Zoro...I just discovered that I have a crush on him but I dont know if he feels the same... Uuuugh I need to ask him about this when we find our new 'safehouse' as Braixen calls it. We kept walking until we heard a growl and stood in battle stance, then suddenly a Monferno jumped from some bushes and threw some kind of balls towards us, I didnt understand until Braixen yelled "GRANADE!!" and she pushed me and Mewtwo pushed Zoroark away, then the balls exploded
Then he got out a hammer and did a few tricks with it. "You're going down!!" He taunted "Honey, I dont think you know who I am" Braixen now said taking out a crossbow loading it with an arrow "What? Wanna dance?" "Oh, you bet I do~." She did a back flip, her head almost touching the ground while shooting the crossbow missing Infernape's head while he chuckled "Your aim is terrible" Braixen lost it, she took her stick and rushed to him and started hitting him "HOW ABOUT WE GO MELEE HUH!?!?" The Infernape started to spill blood "T-thats all y-you got?" "OH. SO YOU WANT MORE!!!" "BRAIXEN CALM DOWN!" shouted Zoroark and surprisingly she did calm down "fine..." "Are you okay buddy?" "How the hell do I look like?" "Well you shouldn't have tried to kill us" I said "Sorry, I thought you wanted to hurt me." "No sweat" said Braixen and Infernape chuckled "Do you want to join us?" "Well... Alright" "That went well." Said Braixen and we all laughed.


We spotted an old cabin big enough for 6 persons but it was waisted so it would be better if we started working on it. We got settled and everyone went to find wood, leaves and sticks.
Mewtwo, Braixen and Infernape went for leaves and sticks while me and Zoro went for wood, Yes! This is my chance to tell him! We havent said anything yet so I broke the silence "hey Zoro?" "Hmm?" "A-aaa-aare y-you-..." "What?" He raised an eyebrow (?) "A-are you str-straight...?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes and mouth slight open "or g-gay?" He just
pounced on me en kissed me deeply, my eyes widened and kiss back. We stayed like that for what it felt years, "I love you Lu." I smiled "I love you too Zoro".


"What took you so long!?" Asked an irritated Braixen "we got lost" I said "yea that..." Zork said quietly so only me and he could hear, I blushed and Zoro smirked, "Well its late, we should work tomorrow" Infernape said and we all nodded. Me and Zoro went to different rooms which I didnt liked not one bit "Tomorrow we'll go to our special place, alright?" I nodded, it was like he could read my mind, he went inside his room and i did too, all rooms were crappy but we'll take care of that tomorrow.

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